- representation as impure art 作为不纯艺术的再现
- The operator A can have other representation as well. 算符A还能转有其它的表象。
- Why is it so bad to use a particular representation as specification? 为什么采用一个特别的表示法作为规格是相当糟糕的?
- Nothing so mars and defiles the heart of man as impure attachment to created things. 再没有比贪恋世物的邪情,更能污秽,缠扰你心的了。
- A mechanism is set forth to deal with exterior effect of transportation facilities as impure public goods that cause traffic congestion. 从微观经济学的角度分析了道路交通设施作为公用物品的外部效应导致拥挤的必然发生;
- Nothing contained in the Memorandum is, or should be relied on as, a promise or representation as to the future. 备忘录中的任何内容不得作为对未来的承诺或声明,或作为对未来的承诺或声明之依据。
- The result of study into mental rotation supported the Imaginal representation as a special representation effectively. 心理旋转研究的结果有力地支持将表象看作一种独立的心理表征的观点。
- An impure art form. 具有多种风格的艺术形式
- As a work of art it is very poor. 作为艺术品这是十分拙劣的。
- His sisters, to whom he had an opportunity of speaking the next morning, were quite as unyielding to his representation as Tom. 第二天早晨,他找了个机会劝说他的妹妹们,她们象汤姆一样,一点也不接受他的意见。
- Lead as impurity in RIG( rare earth iron garnet) Faraday rotators used for fibre optic communications systems. 于光纤通讯系统稀土铁石榴石法拉第旋转器中作为杂质的铅。
- Well, in the crudest terms, you can think of a digital representation as the organizations computer systems that a business partners application can connect to. 您基本上可以将数字表示看作是一个组织中业务合作伙伴的应用可以连接到的计算机系统。
- Lead as impurity in RIG (rare earth iron garnet) Faraday rotators used for fibre optic communications systems. 用于光纤通讯系统(稀土铁石榴石)法拉第旋转器中作为杂质的铅;
- "Our technique allowed characterization of the variation of hemoglobin level and [erythropoiesis-stimulating agents (ESA)] doses through representation as waveforms. 我们的技术可以描述血红素浓度的变异,并且以波形的方式记录红血球生成剂量;
- Throughout the campaign Mr Churchill has spoken of the need for a broad-based government and he is widely expected to appoint a Cabinet with as wide a representation as possible. 在大选的整个过程中丘吉尔一直在谈一个广泛政府的需要,大家普遍期望他能够任命一个尽可能广泛代表的内阁。
- Any of several carcinogenic or teratogenic heterocyclic hydrocarbons that occur as impurities in petroleum-derived herbicides. 戴奥辛一种致癌或致畸杂环族碳氢化合物,在从石油提取的除锈剂中以不纯物出现
- Similarly, the properties of a qubit are independent of its specific physical representation as the spin of an atomic nucleus, say, or the polarization of a photon of light. 同样地,一个量子位元的性质也独立于特定的物理表现系统,例如原子核的自旋态或光子的偏振。
- A graphical representation in which symbols are used to represent such things as operations, data, flow and equipment, for the definition, analysis, or solution of a problem. 一种图形表示法,其中使用一些符号表示诸如操作、数据、流向和设备之类的项目,以便定义、分析或解决问题。同flowdiagram。
- Art may be used as a vehicle for propaganda. 艺术可用作宣传工具。
- They denounced him to the police as a criminal. 他们向警方告发他是罪犯。