- report writer logical record 报表编制逻辑记录
- Both join filter and logical record relationship. 同时为联接筛选器和逻辑记录关系。
- Articles cannot be part of a logical record. 项目不能是逻辑记录的一部分。
- In the Edit Join dialog box, clear the check box Logical Record. 在“编辑联接”对话框中,清除“逻辑记录”复选框。
- The purpose of this study is to report writer perceptions of reviewer stances before and after peer review training in an EFL writing class. 摘要本研究旨在从写作者的观点检视以英语为外语之大学生在接受同侪写作评论训练前后,其评论时所采取的立场是否有何差异。
- TurboCASH modules include: General Ledger, Cashbook, Customers, Suppliers, Inventory, Report Writer, Point of Sale, Payroll and eCommerce. TurboCASH模块包括:总帐, Cashbook ,客户,供应商,存货,报告作者,销售点,工资和电子商务。
- What really makes the Report Engine Powerful is it's ability to overcome many of the limitations of the standard VFP Report Writer. Report Engine的强大使得它可以克服标准VFP报表生成器的许多限制。
- Define a join filter in the Add Join dialog box, and then select the check box Logical Record. 在“添加联接”对话框中定义一个联接筛选器,然后选中“逻辑记录”复选框。
- Indicates whether conflicts should be detected at the logical record level or at the row or column level. 指示应在逻辑记录级还是行级或列级检测冲突。
- Specifies the level of conflict detection for an article that is a member of a logical record. 指定逻辑记录成员项目的冲突检测级别。
- A logical record relationship is associated with a join filter, which extends a row filter. 逻辑记录关系与扩展行筛选器的联接筛选器相关联。
- When this function is used in the WHERE clause of a join filter or logical record relationship. 指定当此函数用在联接筛选器或逻辑记录关系的。
- The relative record number is used to retrieve the logical record from the data set. 使用相对记录号可以从数据集中检索出相应的逻辑记录。
- Writing a block of data of logical records from noncontinuous areas of store. 从存储单元的不连续区写入一组逻辑记录的数据。参阅scatterread。
- Subscriber nickname, version number pairs that are used to maintain a history of changes to the top-level parent row in a logical record. 用于维护逻辑记录中的顶级父行的更改的历史记录的订阅服务器的别名、版本号对。
- report writer control system (RWCS) 报表编制控制系统
- Delete only the logical record relationship or delete the logical record relationship and the join filter associated with it. 只删除逻辑记录关系,或者删除逻辑记录关系及其相关联的联接筛选器。
- Therefore you must define a row filter before you can extend the filter with a join and apply a logical record relationship. 因此,必须定义一个行筛选器,才能用联接来扩展该筛选器并应用逻辑记录关系。
- The women's interweaving stories sprawl across the chapters, and the loose organization may frustrate report writers. 女人的横跨章节的使交织的故事伸开手足而睡, 和宽松的组织可能挫败报告作家。
- The subscriber nickname, version number pairs that are used to maintain a history of deletes for the logical record to which this row belongs. 订阅服务器别名和版本号对,用于维护此行所属的逻辑记录的删除历史记录。