- report forms of business 业务报表
- Analyzing all the report forms, check the achieving status of business plan, and take proper measure to keep the business of the hotel going on wheels. 详细阅读和分析所有报表,检查营业进度与营业计划的完成情况,并采取对策,保证本店营业顺利进行。
- We usually do not enter into this form of business compensation trade. 我们通常不参与补偿贸易这种类型的生意。
- A ~ is the simplest and most prevalent form of business organization. 独资企业是最简单、最普遍的企业组织形式。
- A~ is the simplest and most prevalent form of business organization. 独资企业是最简单,最普遍的企业组织形式。
- At last, reviewed collection data, and generated report forms of extremum, virtual value, damping effect and printed them. 对采集后的数据加速数据流回放,生成极值、有效值、减振效果报表、打印等功能。
- The simplest form of business is called an individual proprietorship. 最简单的企业形式称为个人独资企业。
- In the statistical analysis of fourfold table in clinical trial, we design some SAS macro programs to output the report forms of statistical results in this paper. 为规范临床试验数据管理,简化程序并减少数据统计分析过程中的错误来源,我们编制了一些特定的sas宏程序,可以直接输出临床试验四格表指标统计分析报表。
- Human Resource Development expenditure is a unique form of business expense. 人力资源发展支出是公司支出的一种独特形式。
- Participation in tender is in our line of business. 参加投标属于我们的业务范围。
- A copy of the IELTS test report form. 成绩单复印件一份。
- May I know what line of business you handle? 可以告诉我你们从事何种业务吗?
- To analysis the Aged Balance, Paid Amount, Overdue Amount etc. Carefully and to provide the Aged Balance Report Form of Accounts Receivable for the decision-maker clearly. 认真做好应收账款的账龄分析,欠款分析,回款分析等。为决策者提供明晰的应收账款账龄分析报表。
- Thus, as the basis of unifying the report form in accounting for transnational corporations, report form of foreign currency is becoming more and more important. 作为跨国公司合并会计报表编制前提的外币报表折算显得越发重要。
- Most synthetic detergents are in the form of powder or liquid. 大多数合成洗涤剂呈粉状或液态。
- We've done a lot of business with Hungary. 我们和匈牙利之间有很多贸易。
- The ginpole is the simplest form of derrick. 起重吊杆是一种最简单的起重机。
- Finally he relinquish his plan for want of business. 因生意需要彼得只好放弃计划。
- A sudden rush of business kept us on the go. 营业突然激增使我们忙个不停。
- The exploitation of Upper Computer includes the designing of the controlling map,setting up the database of operation and real time curve of water quality,accomplishing the system alarm,building and printing the report forms of the factory. 上位机监控软件的开发:按照污水处理流程开发了污水处理设备的监控画面,建立了设备操作、设备状态与水质参数的数据库及水质参数的实时曲线,完成了系统实时报警功能,实现了全厂生产报表的自动生成与打印功能;