- The clergyman has been beneficed in that cathedral. 这位教士被请到该大教堂担任有俸圣职。
- Slowly -- for she saw the clergyman! 她走得很慢,因为她看到了牧师。
- The clergyman preached to crowds. 牧师向人群讲道。
- "Fifty cents, " replied the waitress. "50分,"女服务员回答。
- The clergyman: Don't argue, believe! 神甫说:不许争辩,只许信仰。
- Why are you so greedy?@ replied the fox. 狐狸回答说:“你为什么要这么贪心呢?”
- The officer replied the guard' s salute. 那位军官对卫兵的敬礼回了礼。
- "The Ancona road," replied the baron. “去安科纳省的那条路。”
- "Why, on board the tartan," replied the sailor. “什么,当然是在船上了。”那水手回答道。
- The officer replied the guard's salute. 那位军官对卫兵的敬礼回了礼。
- "Even so," replied the Astrologer. “正是这样。”那占星术家说道。
- "Those are the orders," replied the lamplighter. “这是命令。”点灯的人回答道。
- The clergyman began droning the psalm. 牧师开始以单调而低沈的语调吟诵赞美诗。
- Dont be curt. replied the curator. 不能鲁莽。
- I should have told you, replied the debutante. 我本该告诉你,少女回答道,巧克力吃多了会腐蚀牙齿。
- The clergyman began droning (out) the psalm. 牧师开始以单调而低沉的语调吟诵赞美诗。
- "You must be an engineer," replied the balloonist. “你一定是一位工程师。、”气球驾驶者道。
- "An operating system," replied the programmer. “是操作系统”,这位程序员回答说。
- "In the rattrap,sir,"replied the boy. “在捕鼠夹上,先生。”那小男孩说。
- replied the clergyman. 牧师应道。