- render judgment upon 作判决;下判决;定案
- Take me to them, that I may render judgment. 把我带向他们,然后我会上演一出审判。
- To pronounce an adverse judgment upon. 宣告不利的判决
- The Israelites were grieved by this judgment upon them for their apostasy. 以色列因背道所得的审判使他们感到悲哀。
- As it is a task of constitutional interpretation to render judgment on a governmental system, the syllogism of the legal method should be used to solve this problem. 其实,欲依据宪法条文对政府体制之定位进行判断,这是属于宪法解释学的范围,因此,在解释方法上,必须运用法学逻辑三段论,以推求其结论。
- The very thought of how Archie had sat in judgment upon her about the convicts always enraged her. 她一想起阿尔奇曾经责怪她的关于罪犯的事,就怒火满腔。
- Due process of law is a law which hears before it condemns; proceeds upon inquiry, and renders judgment only after trial. 正当法律程序就是一部认定前必须调查,定罪前必须听证,审讯后才能判决的法律。
- I will bring him to Babylon and execute judgment upon him there because he was unfaithful to me. 我必带他到巴比伦,并要在那里因他干犯我的罪刑罚他。
- So they took the king, and brought him up to the king of Babylon to Riblah; and they gave judgment upon him. 迦勒底人就拿住王,带他到在利比拉的巴比伦王那里审判他。
- For with fire and with his sword the Lord will execute judgment upon all men, and many will be those slain by the Lord. 因为耶和华在一切有血气的人身上,必以火与刀施行审判;被耶和华所杀的必多。
- Unless we become aware of what they accomplish, and pass judgment upon the worth of the result, we do not control them. 除非我们认识这些习惯的作用,并且能判断所产生的结果的价值,否则我们就没有控制它们。
- PLAYER), you have successfully accomplished my request, and as payment I will defer the enactment of supreme judgment upon your head. 你已经成功地完成了我的请求,作为报答,我将推迟对你进行审判的日期。
- Judgment upon the award rendered by the arbitrator may be entered in any court having proper jurisdiction. 仲裁机构的裁决可提交任何具有适当司法权限的法庭予以判决。
- He may have been insinuating that Job's sin was self-righteousness and bringing judgment upon God. 可能是以此暗示,约伯的罪便是自以为义及论断上帝。
- Zephaniah's description of God's coming judgment foreshadows the final day of the Lord's judgment upon the whole world. 他对上帝的审判所做的描述,预示了末日主耶稣审判全地时的光景。
- All Israel acted quickly to execute God’s judgment upon the violator of the covenant and his household. 以色列全体百姓立即对破坏上帝之约的人及其家人执行审判。
- Wherefore, behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that I will do judgment upon her graven images: and through all her land the wounded shall groan. 耶和华说,日子将到,我必刑罚巴比伦雕刻的偶像,通国受伤的人必唉哼。
- Watch your mouth, woman. As chief of the Guild, it's time for me to pass judgment upon you. Prepare to receive your punishment for betraying the Guild! 女人,注意你的言行。身为组织的领导,该是你接受惩罚的时候了,你要为背叛组织付出代价!
- For My sword is satiated in heaven, Behold it shall descend for judgment upon Edom And upon the people whom I have devoted to destruction. 赛34:5因为我的刀在天上已经喝足.这刀必临到以东、和我所咒诅的民、要施行审判。
- The judge is found to have taken bribes, conducted malpractice out of personal considerations, and misused the law in rendering judgment during the trial of the case. 审判人员在审理该案件时有贪污受贿,徇私舞弊,枉法裁判行为的。