- removing damp and toxin 利湿解毒
- The main method of treatment should be cooling blood, removing blood stasis and toxin, nourishing the liver and spleen, removing dampness, etc. 对肝纤维化的治疗,应以凉血化瘀解毒为基本方法,配合滋养肝脾、利湿化瘀等法。
- It's damp and cold. I think it's going to rain. 空气又冷又潮,我看是要下雨了。
- The treatment for the syndrome is tonifying liver Qi, removing dampness and restoring blood vessel flow. 肝气虚损,湿浊留滞、瘀血阻络为其主要病机。
- Literature study and clinical finding show that the carbonized herbs function to stop bleeding, as well as to nourish spleen, activate blood, remove dampness and relieve toxin. 通过古今文献及临床观察研究,发现炭药除止血外,尚有良好的健胃、活血、祛湿解毒等功用。英文翻译,英语:
- Everything was damp and rife and hot. 到处都那么潮湿、拥挤、闷热。
- The winter continued damp and wet. 这个冬天一直潮湿多雨。
- The room was damp and the paper was peeling off. 屋子很潮湿,壁纸都一片片剥落了。
- That made the bed damp and cool. 这样一来,床上又湿又凉爽。
- My forehead was damp and my heart thumped heavily. 我的前额湿漉漉的,心头怦怦得直跳。
- Anything damp and my rheumatism comes back. 一碰到潮湿我的关节炎就要复发。
- removing dampness and destroying parasites 燥湿杀虫
- "Perhaps a little damp and agueish?" said Quilp. “大概有一点阴湿,叫人发冷吧?”奎尔普说。
- removing dampness and dredging channel blockage 祛湿宣痹
- It was an unusual day for summer, damp and chilly. 这是夏季少有的一天, 又湿又凉。
- removing dampness and promoting diuresis 利水渗湿
- Somebody thinks rheumatism is wind damp and hot. 有人认为风湿病就是风湿热。
- removing dampness and promoting blood circulation 利湿活血
- The herb's odor. Dispel damp and detoxifcation. 药草香型,味微辛、苦,性平,具疏风解热,祛湿解毒功效。
- To induce diaphoresis, to dispel wind and remove damp. 发汗解表,散风祛湿。