- Among them, voice recognition is the technology support of speech filter.It can remove background noise, restrict impostors, and eliminate the counterfeiting of voice, etc. 其中,言语过滤以语音识别为技术支持,可以剔除嘈杂背景,限制冒名顶替,排除语音赝本等等;
- A difference image is obtained from two consecutive video images, morphologic closing is performed and connected component operations are labeled in order to remove background and noise. 人脸的定位和切割的方法主要是运用数位影像处理的技术,将两张影像相减及型态学的闭合运算等处理,去除背景而留下脸部区域。
- We are removing from London to the country. 我们正从伦敦迁往乡下。
- He has a strong political background. 他有强大的政治背景。
- That incessant background music gets on my nerves. 那没完没了的背景音乐令我非常烦恼!
- Workers are removing impurities from silver. 工人们正去除银中的杂质。
- He has a working-class background. 他是工人阶级出身。
- Get the fall in the background, will you? 把瀑布拍进背景中去好吗?
- A background accompaniment, as for a performer. 伴奏为一个演奏者配音伴奏
- She came from a privileged background. 她出身於特权阶层。
- He came from an impoverished background. 他出身贫寒。
- This book gives the background of the Civil War. 这本书叙述了南北战争的背景。
- Other motives may have lurked in the background. 这后面可能隐藏着其它动机。
- He was lurking slyly in the background. 他狡猾地躲在背後活动。
- Pig iron is converted into steel by removing most but not all the impurities. 生铁变成钢要除掉大部分而不是全部的杂质。
- Here's a handy tip for removing stains from clothing. 这有个除掉衣服上污点的窍门儿。
- Her own particular chip on the shoulder was her poor background. 她感到怨恨的特有原因是她的背景不好。
- He stayed in the background to escape from the public attention. 他呆在幕后为了避开公众的注意。
- He is removing bits of food stuck between the teeth with a toothpick. 他正用一根牙签剔除牙齿间的饭渣。
- She has a lot of power, but like to remain in the background. 她的权力很大,但是喜欢隐身幕后。