- Genius is but one remove from insanity. 天才与疯狂之间只有毫厘之差。
- Flour is bolted to remove the bran. 面粉经筛选去掉麦麸。
- The bevel of that picture frame was damaged. 那个镜框的斜角已被损坏了。
- If the ink sinks in it'll be hard to remove it. 如果墨水渗入,要除去就很困难。
- Her slight frame was shaken by bouts of coughing. 她纤弱的身躯因阵阵咳嗽而发颤。
- The painter stretched the canvas on a frame. 画家把油画布紧绷在画框上。
- Remove the motor when you lay up your boat. 船闲置不用时,你要把发动机拆下来。
- I use the floor cleaner to remove grease. 我用地板除垢剂清除油污。
- It is not easy to true up a frame. 做个标准的框架也不容易。
- An operation is needed to remove your tonsil. 需要进行手术摘除你的扁桃体。
- How can we remove the husk of the grains? 我们怎样去掉谷物的外皮?
- This athlete has a powerful frame. 这位运动员有着魁梧的体格。
- It takes long to frame up an article. 构思一篇文章要花好长时间。
- The metal frame tends to twist under pressure. 这种金属框受压後容易变形。
- Let's remove the cloth from the table. 咱们来把桌上的桌布拿掉。
- If the ink sinks in, it'll be hard to remove the spot from the cloth. 如果墨水渗入布料,就很难把污迹洗去。
- You blanch almonds to remove their skins. 你把杏仁焯一下,烫去表皮。
- The mayor is a man of square frame. 市长是个体格魁梧的人。
- The door is not true to the frame. 这门与门框的尺寸不一致。
- She skimmed the soup to remove most of the fat. 她撇去了汤上的大部分浮油。