- Specifies the name of the remote service that this route points to. 指定此路由指向的远程服务的名称。
- Specifies the remote service binding on which the permission is being denied. 指定拒绝将其权限授予他人的远程服务绑定。
- Two other new revamped features: Connection Bouncer and Remote Service Reacher. 其他两个新改组的特点:连接bouncer和远程服务reacher 。
- Interface with the remoting service. 接口的动态属性。
- It is important to note that to perform a specific function it may be necessary to call more than one remote service. 需要注意的是,完成一个特定的功能可能需要调用多个远程服务。
- To programmatically reset the cache and force this method to access the remote service, call the ResetCache method. 若要以编程方式重置缓存并强制此方法以访问远程服务,请调用ResetCache方法。
- It then forwards the request to the remote service, and passes any response back to the original client. 然后它把请求转发给远程服务,并把响应回传给原来的客户。
- Details about how to configure a report server for local or remote service are provided further on in this topic. 有关如何为本地或远程服务配置报表服务器的详细信息,将稍后在本主题中进一步说明。
- This article investigated aspects of interface design for remote services in theory and analyzed some common examples. 本文从理论上研究了远程服务接口设计的几个方面,并分析了几个常用的实例。
- Service Broker does not consider it to be an error for a remote service to become unreachable. Service Broker不将无法访问远程服务视为错误。
- One common use for a conversation timer is to respond to delays in responses from the remote service. 会话计时器的一个常见用途是响应远程服务响应的延迟时间。
- Another common use is to create a service that sends messages to the remote service at set intervals. 另一个常见用途是创建以设定间隔向远程服务发送消息的服务。
- Previously, we wondered how much content PSP owners would be able to access using the remote service. 以前,我们不知道有多少内容的PSP用户将能够访问使用远程服务。
- The network and remote service functions of CNC system is one of the key technologies for network manufacturing system. 数控系统的网络和远程服务功能是发展网络化制造系统的关键技术之一。
- Simply set up a proxy server of your own that performs some monitoring action while forwarding traffic to and from each remote service end-point. 只需要设置自己的一个代理服务器在来回转发每个远程服务端点消息的同时,执行一些监控活动。
- Remote services, on the other hand, involve a service-oriented back end invoked by a relatively script-heavy AJAX front end. 而远程服务则涉及由脚本相对较多的AJAX前端所调用的面向服务的后端。
- The public key from this certificate is used for encryption and authentication of messages exchanged with the remote service. 此证书的公钥用于对与远程服务交换的消息进行加密和身份验证。
- This remote service binding specifies the local user that owns the certificate that corresponds to the private key in the remote database. 远程服务绑定指定拥有与远程数据库中的私钥相对应的证书的本地用户。
- The company has problem in servicing its debt. 该公司在支付债息方面有问题。
- The user that executes the ALTER REMOTE SERVICE BINDING statement must have impersonate permission for the user specified in the statement. 执行ALTER REMOTE SERVICE BINDING语句的用户必须具有该语句中所指定用户的模拟权限。