- Through screening and evaluation, the prospecting target can be delineated and the remote sensing map can be drawn. 通过多层次的筛选和评估,提取异常区,制作遥感异常图。
- Later, we launched a number of stars consecutive second-generation space remote sensing mapping satellites, bringing China's photogrammetry technology official from the air into space. 后来,我们又连续发射了数颗第二代航天遥感测绘卫星,至此,我国的摄影测量技术正式由航空走向航天。
- remote sensing mapping 遥感制图
- remote sensing map 遥感图
- Class B: remote sensing geology exploration. 乙级:遥感地质勘查。
- Knowledge of Remote Sensing applications. 遥感应用知识。
- Expert in Infrared and remote sensing. 红外及遥感专家。
- OMIS imaging spectrometer airborne remote sensing. 标 签 OMIS 成像光谱仪 航空遥感.
- Astronautical, Aeronautical Remote Sensing, National Mapping Fundamental Database, and Their Applications for Land, Disaster Aid, and Yield Estimation. 航天、航空遥感与国家测绘基础数据库及其在土地、救灾、估产等的应用。
- SAR interferogram MAP filtering based on stationary wavelet transform[J].Journal of Remote Sensing,2002,6 (6):456-463. SAR干涉图的静态小波域MAP法滤波[J].;遥感学报;2002;6(6):456-463
- Class B: areal geology survey; remote sensing geology exploration. 2901524乙级:区域地质调查;遥感地质勘查。
- The content of the magazine deals with geodesy, surveying, photogrammetry, remote sensing, mapping, GIS, database management, mapping, cartography, reporting and networking. 该杂志的内容包括大地测量学、勘探测量学、遥感和地理信息系统、数据库管理及制图文献学、报告和网络会议等。
- Airborne LIDAR is an active remote sensing technique. 机载激光雷达是一种主动遥感技术。
- Remote sensing imaging features seem clearly distribut of linear. 遥感影像特征十分明显,呈线性展布。
- Remote Sensing Rock Mechanics (RSRM) is a new interdiscipline. 遥感岩石力学(RSRM)是一门新兴的交叉科学。
- Remote sensing techniques have been applied in criminology. 遥感技术被应用于犯罪学中。
- The major achievements in establishing of database, processing and mapping of remote sensing images, and in using of geography information system summarized. 总结了计算机技术在数据库建设、遥感影像的处理、制图以及地理信息系统等方面取得的主要成果。
- The present state of rocky desertification in Guizhou province is analysed according to remote sensing image and karat rocky desertification map is obtained through "3S" platform. 利用贵州省遥感影像,在3S平台上获取了研究区喀斯特石漠图,分析了贵州省喀斯特石漠化现状。
- Landsat Remote Sense New Tech Development Co. 蓝赛特遥感新技术开发公司。
- The data from the remote sensing satellite will be used to map infrastructure and natural resources in the country, and will assist planners in the country. 这颗遥感卫星采集的数据将用来绘制印度基础设施和自然资源的分布图,同时协助策划者工作。