- There are vast expanses of virgin land in the remote regions. 在边远地区有大片大片未开垦的处女地。
- He offended the emperor, and was sentenced to forced labor in a remote region. 他触怒了皇帝,被处以流刑。
- There is vast virgin land in the remote regions. 在边远地区有大片大片未开垦的处女地。
- The remote region, which borders Somalia, was the scene for a war between the two countries in the1970 s. 这个偏远地区与索马里相邻,两国70年代曾经在此发生战争。
- Appalling poverty of this remote region is a reproach to the well-fed politicians in the capital. 这个地区令人震惊的贫困正是在首都养尊处优的政客们的耻辱。
- The remote region, which borders Somalia, was the scene for a war between the two countries in the 1970s. 这个偏远地区与索马里相邻,两国70年代曾经在此发生战争。
- Turks form the largest minority within Greece; many (from 100 000-120 000) live in Western Thrace, a remote region on the Turkish border. 在希腊的少数民族中土耳其人为数最多,他们中多数人(约10~12万人)住在土耳其边界一个叫西色雷斯的边远地区。
- The Podor district of Senegal - a remote region in the north-central area of the country - has one of the most severe malaria problems in the country. 塞内加尔的波多尔县-该国中北部的一个偏远地区-系该国最严重的疟疾问题之一。
- The inaccessibility of this remote region, now called Amazonia, meant that long-held theories about the early days of the river and surrounding forest were speculative at best. 而现在称为亚马逊流域的这个偏远地区难以进入,也意味著长期以来关于早期河流与周围森林的理论,顶多是靠推测的。
- To seal the deal, I've gone one step further. In this scarcely known wilderness during maximum low season, I've staked out the island's most remote region, its southwest corner. 为了达到心愿(达成一笔交易?);我迈出更大的一步。在最清淡的季节;在这几乎不为人所知的荒野;我遍访岛上最僻远的区域;它的最南端.
- He thanked Chinese contractor China National Machinery and Equipment Import and Export Corporation (CMEC) for building the gas station in the remote region. 尼总统奥巴桑乔、翁多州州长阿戈古、能源部长塔乌克鲁等高官出席了发电点火仪式;
- In a remote region imbued with the spirit of an ancient past, the turbines looming out of the mist on the summits of the Alto Minho serras address the future. 在一个远古情结浓厚的偏远地区,伫立在阿尔托米尼奥山峦之上的风力涡轮机在薄雾中若隐若现,它们将是未来的希望。
- The quake struck at 9:22pm and was centered in Zhongba County, a remote region in west Xigaze Prefecture, but no loss of life was immediately reported, according to the bureau. 西藏自治区地震局局长朱荃说,仲巴县位于西藏日喀则地区西边,因此这次地震对几百公里以外的青藏铁路影响不大。
- The surveying team went to remote regions of our country in search of mineral resources. 这个勘察队到我国遥远的地区去寻找矿藏。
- Our political power exists in scattered and isolated mountainous or remote regions and receives no outside help whatsoever. 我们的政权是分散而又孤立的山地或僻地的政权,没有任何的外间援助。
- On Russia's Kamchatka peninsula, brown bears are starving as poachers pillage a wealth of salmon. The remote region faces ecological meltdown as fish stocks are obliterated. Luke Hardingreports. 在俄罗斯的堪察加半岛,由于偷猎者掠夺大量的大马哈鱼,棕熊正在挨饿。鱼群的消失使这个偏远地区面临着生态崩溃。卢克·哈丁报道。
- Three daughters of an Irish-born clergyman grew up at Haworth parsonage, in Yorkshire.This remote region of bleak moors greatly influenced the imagination of the sisters, Charlotte, Emily, and Anne. 出身在爱尔兰牧师家庭的三姐妹在约克郡的哈沃斯教士公馆里长大,这片偏僻荒凉的沼泽地对夏洛特、艾米丽和安妮三姐妹的想象力影响很大。
- A region remote from urban areas; backcountry. 腹地远离城区的地区,偏僻地区
- Therefore, the Project Hope is the hope of those remote regions as well as that of the whole nation. 希望工程体现的不仅是那些边远地区的希望,也体现了整个国家的希望。
- Can imagine, average person comes from especially western, the patient of the backward and remote region such as the country, in so sensational trick under, hard to avoid is not cheated to be duped. 可以想象,一般人尤其是来自西部、农村等落后偏远地区的患者,在如此耸人听闻的哄骗之下,难免不被蒙骗上当。