- relocatable datum correction 浮动基准面校正
- You can ask for correction of the personal data. This is called a data correction request. 你可要求改正有关个人资料,这是条例所指的改正资料要求。
- Similar to data access requests, there is a general requirement on parties receiving data correction requests to respond within 40 days of the request. 与查阅资料要求一样,接获改正资料要求的有关方面亦须在40日内作出回应。
- The paper primarily analy ses the data correction in reconstructing the image of CBS in the manner of classical filtered back-pro ject. 重点分析了利用经典的卷积反投影算法重建康普顿背散射扫描图像过程中的数据修正问题。
- The influence of stylus shape on measured data is introduced,and two methods of data correction for stylus radius are proposed. 分析了触针测头形状对被测轮廓数据的影响,并提出了对测头半径的两种数据修正方法。
- Syntactic interoperability is all about parsing data correctly. 语义互操作性就是正确地解析数据。
- Validation allows the application to make sure the user enters data correctly. 验证允许应用程序确保用户正确地输入数据。
- His intuition is invariably correct. 他的直觉常常是正确的。
- The teacher wrote the proposed correction at foot. 老师将修改意见写在页底空白处。
- Well Log Datum Velocity Correction. 井曲线基准面校正。
- Excuse me. Can you tell me the correct time? 对不起,你能告诉我一下准确的时间吗?
- Ring the correct answer with your pencil. 用铅笔圈出正确的答案。
- What proofs have you that the statement is correct? 你有什麽证据可以证明这种说法是正确的呢?
- This ensures that the recipient of the purchase order will be able to interpret the data correctly when it is received. 这确保订单收件人在收到它时能够正确解释数据。
- Correct ideas come from social practice. 正确的思想来自社会实践。
- Customer information update and maintenance to ensure all customer data correctly in SAP. 系统客户信息更新和维护,已确保所有客户信息正确。
- The new secretary speaks correct English. 新来的秘书说一口正确的英语。
- Your answer to the question is correct. 你对这个问题的回答是正确的。
- The answer is relocatable modules. 答案是:可重定位模块。
- Taking a Small Space, Easily Relocatable. 佔极少空间,可轻易再安装。