- The problem of religion secularization rose to an agenda as the growing of human self-awareness. 随着人类自我意识的发展,宗教世俗化问题被提上日程,尤其是近代以来,片面强调科学理性,忽视价值理性。
- The objectives of Zen Buddhism could be epitomized two points as "To stand all alone against the world outside" and "To open trust with wisdom" to object to religion secularization. 中国禅宗的“宗旨”集中体现为“遗世独立”和“以智启信”两点,其目的在于反对宗教世俗化。
- Religion Secularization under the Circumstances of Modernization 论现代化条件下的宗教世俗化问题
- Religion is often made the covert of crime. 宗教常成为罪恶的护庇所。
- The book is a compendium of their poetry, religion and philosophy. 这本书是他们诗歌、宗教和哲学的概略。
- Mohammed was the founder of the Muslim religion. 穆罕默德是伊斯兰教的创始人。
- A secular law, rule, or code of law. 世俗法规世俗的法律、制度或法典
- Religion was her crutch in times of sorrow. 宗教是她忧伤时依赖的支柱。
- The choir sings both sacred and secular music. 唱诗班既唱圣乐也唱世俗歌曲。
- Religion is the breath of life to/for her. 宗教是她不可或缺的精神支柱。
- He renounced his religion and became a Muslim. 他宣布脱离他原来的宗教而成为了一名穆斯林教徒。
- As a Puritan, he is strict in moral and religion. 作为清教徒,他的道德和宗教观念都很严格。
- He makes a religion of watching soccer. 足球比赛他每场必看。
- Jesus was the founder of the Christian religion. 耶稣是基督教的创始人。
- She practices her religion piously. 她是一个虔诚的宗教信奉者
- He committed blasphemy against religion. 他犯了对宗教的亵渎罪。
- Slovenliness is no part of religion. 邋遢并非宗教的一部分。
- Anglicanism is the established religion in England. 英国圣公会是英国国教。
- Secular music refers to music which is not religious. 世俗音乐是指非宗教的音乐。
- She has very narrow ideas about religion. 她对宗教的见解很狭隘。