- To relieve the pressure of wind on (a sail). 减小风对(帆面)的压力。
- This relieved the pressure on the main dyke. 这减轻了对主堤的压力。
- They're going to try to insert a stint to relieve the pressure. 他们现在正要用针刺入脑部来释放颅压
- The doctor drew off some fluid to relieve the pressure. 医生排掉了一些液体以缓解压力。
- Relieves the pressure on arms and shoulders. 缓解手臂和肩膀部的压力。
- To some extent, it will relieve the pressure of population growth. 在某种程度上,这将缓解人口增长带来的压力。
- You had better open your mouth to relieve the pressure on your eardrums. 你最好张开嘴以减轻耳朵鼓膜所受的压力。
- Field clinics are being set up to relieve the pressure on hospitals. 已经有一些临时诊所搭建起来,以缓解医院的压力。
- The engine is letting off steam to relieve the pressure in the boiler. 机车正在放掉汽以减轻锅炉中的压力。
- If the pressure builds up excessively, the pressure valve opens to relieve the pressure. 如果油箱内压力过高,则压力阀开启,以降低压力。
- This relieved the pressure on the main dyke . 这减轻了对主堤的压力。
- More to the point, the gambit failed to relieve the pressure on America in Indochina, which was one of its chief purposes. 更重要的是,这次对话并未能达成其首要目标之一-减轻美国在印度支那遭遇到的压力。
- Where this condition is recognised as a problem the immediate response must be to relieve the pressure in the udder. 一旦这些条件被当作一个影响因素,那么可以通过以下几点减轻乳房的压力。
- In addition,it will relieve the pressure on consumer demand and corporate profit margins. 此外,这也将减轻消费者需求和企业利润率带来的压力。
- Many times they will bite because they want to relieve the pressure in their gums while teething. 大部分时间是因为他们出牙时想通过咬来减轻牙龈的不舒服。
- The following options are the ways of relieve the pressure, please choose the proper used degree. 下列各项为应付压力的方法,请选出适当的使用程度。
- Because of this major drawback, I redesigned the valve system to relieve the pressure in the cylinders on the upstroke of the pistons. 任何额外的能量增益由于较高的压力,中风的权力不能大于所需的能量压缩的空气摆在首位。
- After in depth researches, scholars hold that MBS is beneficial to relieve the pressure confronted by china" s real estate market and state economy. 学者们经广泛研究,认为推行住房抵押贷款证券化对解决当前我国房地产市场和国民经济所面临的问题极为有益。
- Collectively, however, they could make a material contribution to reducing the output gap, and relieve the pressure on fiscal policy. 然而,联合起来他们就能为降低收入差距,缓和财政政策压力做出实质的贡献。
- Chueh-hui's heart was bursting with things he wanted to say. To relieve the pressure, he let out an exuberant shout that rang and echoed against the cliffside. 觉慧掉头向四周望,觉得有满腹的话要吐出来,便大叫一声,声音被石壁挡住,又折了回来,分散到众人的耳里。