- deliverance from hell; release souls from suffering 超度
- releasing souls from suffering 超度
- Chao went on, "I asked my mother why Mrs. Su didn't read a few sutras to free my soul from suffering. “我对我母亲说,她为什么不念几卷经超度我呢?
- release souls from sufferingn. 超度;使灵魂从苦难中解脱出来
- How can you turn aside from suffering humanity? 面对受苦受难的人类,你怎么能毫无同情心呢?
- The doctor is there to help save a suffering soul from the ravages of a falling body. 不行,医生是有帮助拯救灵魂从痛苦的蹂躏下降机构。
- God is willing to snatch your soul from eternal damnation. 上帝是愿意把你的灵魂从永恒的地狱中打救出来的。
- Releasing souls from purgatory 开丧
- The purpose is the attainment of deliverance from suffering. 目的是从苦中证得解脱。
- Doing so intensifies our wish to find protection from suffering. 如此会让我们更坚定远离苦难的祈愿。
- You came-oh, my beautiful! --and you freed my soul from prison. 你出现了--噢,我美丽的情人!--是你把我的心灵从囹圄中解救出来的。
- If you beat him with the rod, You will deliver his soul from Sheol. 14你若用杖打他,就可以救他的魂免下阴间。
- So, man could not have had an immortal soul from the beginning. 所以,人开始时没有不朽的灵魂。
- You shall strike him with the rod And rescue his soul from Sheol. 箴23:14你要用杖打他、就可以救他的灵魂免下阴间。
- May all beings be free from suffering and attain enlightenment soon! 愿所有众生从痛苦中解脱出来并且早日成佛!
- An element of frivolity keeps a soul from atrophying. 轻浮的一个元素可以防止精神萎缩。
- Consider Patients Always and Relieve them from suffering by every means. 千方百计为病人解除痛苦。
- Keeping Charlie from suffering was the whole point of all this effort. 让查理不为我担忧是我做这些努力的目的所在。
- Symptoms, then, are in reality nothing but a cry from suffering organs. 症状在现实中只是一种从器官受苦受难发出的哭泣。
- To preserve his soul from the pit, his life from perishing by the sword. 拦阻人不陷于坑里,不死在刀下。