- relay set with maximal weight 极大权中继集
- A Heuristic Algorithm for Minimum Connected Dominating Set with Maximal Weight in Ad Hoc Networks 基于极大权的最小连通支配集启发式算法
- Her bracelet was set with emeralds. 她的手镯上镶著绿宝石。
- She is wearing a ring set with emerald. 她戴著一枚嵌有绿宝石的戒指。
- Research worker find it hard to correlate one set with the other. 研究工作者们发现两者之间很难找出联系。
- The pendant was set with pearls surrounding an emerald. 这耳坠中间是一块翡翠,四周镶着珍珠。
- She wears a ring set with emeralds on her right hand. 她的右手上戴着一枚镶有绿宝石的戒指。
- Stay flexible enough to manage it all with maximal aplomb. 保持灵活机动,以最大的坦然处理好这些混乱局面。
- The land use type with maximal change differed with the cities. 不同矿业城市变化率最大的土地类型均不相同,鞍山为建设用地,增加5.;45%25;
- The sky seemed to be set with diamonds. 天空似乎镶嵌了钻石。
- Her crown is set with precious jewels. 她的王冠镶嵌着珍贵的珠宝。
- The night sky was set with countless stars. 无数的星星点缀着夜空。
- A brooch or buckle set with jewels. 宝石胸针(扣子)宝石镶嵌的胸针或扣子
- There is a flow with maximal value which can be either finite or infinite. 也存在具有最大值的流,此最大值可以是有限的也可以是无限的。
- It's large screen set with surround sound. 这是一台大屏幕环绕立体声电视机。
- You have to find the sum of two numbers with maximal size of 1.000.000 digits. 现在请你计算两个数的和,这两个数的最大长度可能有1,000,000位。
- DTS includes a series of component models of power system: generator, load, line, transformer and relay set. DTS系统包括一系列的电力系统组成部件的模型,如发电机、负荷、线路、变压器、继电器等等。
- It's a large screen set with surrounding sound. 这是一台大屏幕环绕立体声电视机。
- No,I think we're set with what we have. 不要了。我想我们有的已经够了。
- Her necklace is set with pearls. 她的项链镶有珍珠。