- Share with your friends and learn some relaxation methods. 可以找朋友倾诉,分享心得,学习一些自我松弛的方法。
- More complex topographic features are treated advantageously by application of relaxation methods. 比较复杂的地物,最好用松弛方法处理。
- An algorithm based on Lagrangian relaxation method for scheduling of hydro power systems is presented in this paper. 摘要本文提出一种用于解决梯级水电系统的优化调度问题的拉格朗日松弛算法。
- The dynamic relaxation method enables to search the static equilibrium state by simple iterations. 动态松弛法可以从任意的初始状态开始,通过简单迭代而使系统达到静平衡状态。
- Describe a kind of relaxations method? 你朋友用什么方式放松?
- A new method combining arc-length techique and Dynamic Relaxation method is developed to analyze loaded equilbrium state of CSTS. 结合弧长法和动力松弛法,提出一种索杆张力结构荷载态的分析方法。
- Features of the conscience relaxation method: It relies on the “conscience being stung” to lead to “temporal punishment”. 良知舒张法的特点是:依靠自身“良心发现”促成“现时报”。
- A test data generation system, integrating BDF-SGA and improved iterative relaxation method, is proposed and implemented by the author. 论文通过将相关技术有机地融合,设计并实现了综合BDF-SGA算法和改进的迭代松弛法的测试数据生成系统。
- By utilizing the linear underestimation of objective and constraint functions,a linear relaxation method is proposed for finding global solution of SGP. 本文利用目标函数和约束函数的线性下界估计,提出一种求(SGP)问题全局解的线性松弛方法。
- Associated with the molecular statics relaxation method,a computer modelling technique was provided for the study of structural characteristics of nanocrystals. 结合分子静力学的原子弛豫技术提出了一个对纳米晶体的原子结构模型及性质进行研究的计算机模拟方法。
- Based on dual relaxation method to extend a special convex separable programming algorithm,this tracking algorithm was constructed by parametric analysis. 该参数优化算法可在对偶松弛凸可分规划算法的主循环之外,通过少量参数化扩展得到。
- LI Chongyang,WEI Demin.Analysis of cable-membrane structures by dynamic relaxation method[J].Journal of South China University of Technology:Natural Science Edition,2004,32(6):80. [8]李重阳;魏德敏.;索膜结构的动力松弛法分析[J]
- Improved iterative relaxation method reduces computing quantity through eliding process of building Predicate Slices and process of building Input Dependency Sets. 改进的迭代松弛法省略了构造谓词片和输入依赖集的过程,减轻了计算量。
- A general framework of matrix multi-splitting multi-parameter relaxation methods for solving system of linear equations for singular H-matrices set up in this paper. Its convergence is discussed. 摘要给出了当齐次线性方程组的系数矩阵是奇异H矩阵时的矩阵多分裂多参数松弛算法,并讨论其收敛性。
- Using the relaxation method, a numerical calculation of three dimensional electric field in the central region was described of a three-sector cyclotron with 20? rotation of ion source surface with repect to dee gap. 本文描述了用弛豫法对离子源表面相对D极间隙旋转20°后,三叶扇形回旋加速器中心区的三维电场的数值计算。
- However, the relation between unit commitment risk and unit forced outage capacity is discrete, which Leads to a difficult combination with the Lagrangian relaxation method of unit commitment. 但机组投运风险水平与机组强迫停运容量呈离散型的分布关系,因而难以与拉格朗日松弛法的机组组合算法有机结合。
- In the process of problem solving, we adopt the concept of DOS to assess the network survivability and use the Lagrangean Relaxation method and the subgradient method to approach the optimal solution. 在求解的过程之中,利用“拉格兰日松弛法”与“梯度法”来帮助我们逐渐找到最佳解。
- After a week's work I like to retreat to the country to relax. 工作一周之後,我喜欢躲到乡下松弛一下。
- Fishing is his favourite relaxation. 他最喜爱的消遣是钓鱼。
- Relaxation exercises can free your body of tension. 放松运动可以松缓身体的紧张。