- The sum total of innumerable relative truths constitute absolute truth. 无数相对真理之总和,就是绝对的真理。
- In endless flow of absolute truth, there are innumerable relative truths. 在绝对真理的长河中,有无数的相对真理。
- The sum total of innumerable relative truths constitutes absolute truth. 无数相对的真理之总和,就是绝对的真理。
- A view was pointed ont in the paper that all truth is relative truth according to materialist dialectic. 文中指出根据唯物辩证法中关于一切真理都是相对真理的观点,数学真理当然也是相对真理。
- In the endless flow of absolute truth there are innumerable relative truths. 在绝对真理的长河中有无数相对真理。
- The sum totalof innumerable relative truths constitute absolute truth. 无数相对真理之总和,就是绝对的真理。
- A reasonable connotation of absolute truth is the key to grasp the dialectic relationship of absolute truth and relative truth. 摘要正确理解绝对真理和相对真理的关系,关键是要准确理解绝对真理的内涵。
- Intuitionism questions the validity of law of excluded middle and the vaildity of indirect proof, and it indicates that classical logic is only a relative truth. 它对排中律和间接证明方法有效性的质疑,揭示了经典逻辑只具有相对的真理性;
- The or=# cc0066> sum total of innumerable relative truths constitute absolute truth. 无数相对真理之总和,就是绝对的真理。
- He tried to varnish over the truth with a lie. 他试图用谎言来掩盖真相。
- The two judgements, any relative truth possesses some compo sition of absolute truth and the sum total of innumerable relative truths constitutes absolute truth, are illogical and contradictory. “任何相对真理中都包含着绝对真理的成分”与“无数相对真理的总和构成绝对真理,”两个判断不相容。
- Now you see I was telling yow the truth. 现在你明白我对你讲的是真话了。
- The detective soon raveled out the truth. 那名侦探很快就于真相大白。
- I adjure you to tell the truth before this court. 我要求你对本庭说实话。
- We shall find out the truth early or late. 我们迟早会查明事实真相。
- My teacher is a stickler for the truth. 我们的老师是一个坚持真理的人。
- Is our relative strength growing? 我们的相对力量正在增长吗?
- Go and find out the truth to report back quickly. 立刻查明事实真相回来汇报。
- The next best thing would be to tell him the truth. 其次,最好的办法就是把真相告诉他们。
- The truth of the report is beyond all doubt. 该报道的真实性是无可置疑的。