- It is hard to make a direct comparison, for relative prices have changed. 很难做直接比较,因为相对价格已经变了。
- The relative price effect is a fallacy, or at least, too simplistic. 这是一种错误的想法,至少把问题看得太简单了。
- Assuming that both goods are competitvely supplied, the relative costs of each good will dictate relative prices. 假设这两种商品是在有竞争的情况下供给的,那么,每种商品的相对成本就能确定其相对价格。
- Assuming that both goods are competitively supplied, the relative costs of each good will dictate relative prices. 假设这两种商品是在有竞争的情况下供给的,那么,每种商品的相对成本就能确定其相对价格。
- A position taken in two or more options or futures contracts in order to profit from a change in their relative prices. 差额点:两个或多个选择或未来合同利用改变相关的价格以赢利的点。
- The swings of the renminbi, pegged to the dollar, have juggled relative prices in the region. 与美元挂钩的人民币汇率,其波动已扭曲了该地区的相对价格。
- Guhaibo view is that "relative prices of the past serves quadrupling historical speaking, Beijing's fairly normal rate. 顾海波的看法是,“相对过去长三角房价翻两番的历史来讲,北京目前的涨幅还算正常。”
- But, by increasing the relative price of U.S. exports, the strong dollar engendered the huge U.S. trade deficit. 可是美元升值提高了美国出口产品的相对价格,使美国的巨额贸易逆差有继续增加之势。
- A basic function of institutions is to provide stability and continuity by dampening the effects of relative price changes. 制度的一项基本作用是通过缓解相对价格变动的影响,以提供稳定和连续性。
- The PPPs, relative price levels, labor productivity, ULCs and international prices in multilateral comparison are used to talk about Chinese manufacturing competitiveness. 20世纪80年代中期以后,相对价格水平是参与比较的五国中最小的,且逐年下降;单位劳动成本一直在波动过程中下降。
- That would be interesting if we make such a figure of speech: take this relative position as relative price of merchandise. 如果我们做这样一个比喻将会是一个有趣的视角:将相对的地位看成商品的相对价格。
- However, over the medium- to longer-term, without a weaker dollar, a realignment in the world’s relative price structure would be forestalled. 但就中长期而言,美元不进一步下跌的话,世界相对价格的调整受到阻碍。
- In this case, the proxy is the relative price of shares in CANTV, a Venezuelan telecom company, quoted in Caracas and New York. 只不过在这其中使用的是委内瑞拉电信公司在加拉加斯和纽约的股价比。
- The active fiscal policy since 1998 resulted in the consistent expand of assets and the unbalance of relative price which lead to the proportion of salary to asset decline. 结果表明,从长期来看,居民的可支配收入和工资在国民收入中的比重是影响居民消费需求的主要因素。
- "BAI Xi continuation of the Heineken a consistent characteristic of the clean, and the relative price concessions, both to benefit consumers and allow them to afford. “白喜力延续了喜力一以贯之的清洁性特点,价格又相对优惠,既让消费者得益,又能让他们能够承受得起。”
- As companies have comeunder more pressure, workers' pay has been squeezed: as higher returnson capital have been demanded, the relative price of labour has had tofall. 公司面临更大压力,员工报酬不断缩水,投资者要求更高的资本回报,劳动力相对价格不得不降低。
- Redirecting resources away from finance and consumption towards exports and investment will require relative price shifts, for which the dollar has to move down. 若想把资源从金融和消费转移到出口和投资,就需要调整相对价格,因此美元将不得不贬值。
- Therefore, if currencies are determined by the relative prices of tradables, but PPP is calculated from a basket that includes non-tradables, such as the Big Mac, the currencies of poor countries will always look undervalued. 因此,如果货币是由可贸易货物与服务的相对价格来决定的,但是由于购买力平价是根据单位不可贸易货物,如巨无霸来计算的,穷国的货币显得总是被低估了。
- Itemized deductions are permitted for expenditures on particular goods and services. They are phased out at high-income levels. Itemized deductions change after-tax relative prices, which often affects economic behavior. 特定商品和服务的支出可以分项扣除,并在高所得水平上逐步减少。分项扣除改变税后相对价格,这常常影响经济行为。
- Learning by the entrepreneurs of existing organizations can lead them to shift from unproductive to productive pursuits as their perception of the most profitable pursuits changes with changing relative prices. 现存组织创业者的学习能引导他们从非生产性活动转向生产性活动,因为他们利润最大化的观点会随着相对价格的变化而改变。