- The new model come in an exciting range of colour. 这种新式样有各种鲜艳的颜色。
- The garden was a mass of colour. 花园中五彩缤纷。
- A relation of mine is coming to stay. 我有个亲戚要来此暂住。
- The flag adds a dash of colour to the grey building. 那面旗子装点著灰秃秃的大楼。
- I understand her to be a distant relation of his. 据我了解,她是他的一位远亲。
- His relation of his adventure fascinated us. 他讲述的关于自己的冒险经历使我们听入了迷。
- The flowers made a mass of colour against the stone wall. 以石墙衬托著的花朵五彩缤纷。
- Some people may regard radio as the poor relation of broadcasting. 有些人可能认为无线电广播在广播事业中稍逊一筹。
- The fireworks went off in a cascade of colour. 烟火散开来象一片五彩缤纷的瀑布。
- The firework went off in a cascade of colour. 烟火散开像一片五彩缤纷的瀑布。
- The flower-beds were a riot of colour. 花坛里色彩缤纷.
- The azaleas made a mass of colour in the garden. 杜鹃花给花园里添上一大片色彩。
- Designs are available in a myriad of colours. 各种色彩的款式应有尽有。
- I understand him to be a distant relation of hers. 据我了解,他是她的一个远亲。
- The defect of these cloths is clash of colours. 这几种布的缺点是颜色不调和。
- Choose from a wide range of colours. 可从广泛的颜色系列中进行选择。
- The dummy is no relation of ours. 这个哑巴不是我家的亲戚。
- He obtained discrete bands of colour materials. 他得到了各有色物质的判别谱带。
- A relation of yours is coming to see you. 您的一个亲戚就要来看您了。
- They can discriminate hundreds of colours. 他们能分辨上百种颜色。