- Advantages and cautions while using powder spray pile in the reinforcement of soft soil foundation are introduced. 介绍了喷粉桩加固软土地基的优点及其施工注意事项。
- Reinforcement of soft soil foundation with dusting pile is capable of effectively lowering the settlement of subgrade,lessening the vehicle bump at bridge head. 通过使用粉喷桩加固软基,有效降低路基沉降,减少桥头跳车现象。
- Application of Two Ash Pile for Reinforcement of Soft Soil Subgrade 二灰桩在软土路基加固中的应用
- Study of the Reinforcement of Soft Soil by Geotextile and Its Application 加筋软土的研究及其应用
- Reinforcement of soft soil foundation with hydraulic fill sand based on the method combined with dynamic consolidation and vacuum drainage 吹填砂软土地基的真空降水强夯加固方法
- reinforcement of soft soil 软基加固
- Reinforcing of soft soil with boulder bv rotation-iet grouting piles 采用旋喷桩技术加固软土夹漂石的地基
- The in-situ test of the technology of DJM(dry jet mixing)for the reinforcement of marine soft soil subgrade is presented and analyzed.Some helpful conclusions are drawn. 本文介绍、分析了粉喷桩处理滨海相软土地基的施工工艺试验研究成果,得出了一些有益的数据及结论,可为深圳地区滨海相软土地基处理提供参考。
- reinforcing of soft soil 软土地加固
- Home I put cute little guy in the kinds of soft soil, to give it every day watering and fertilizing. 回到家我便把可爱的小家伙种在松软的泥土里,天天给它浇水,施肥。
- The study of prediction of deformation about expressway soil roadbed is an important embranchment of soft soil problem. 对于高速公路软基变形预测的研究是软土问题中的一个重要子课题。
- This technique exists as a new method for the ground reinforcing of water-bearing soft soil in China, especially in the underground projects in cities. 该技术为我国含水软土地基加固,特别是城市地下工程建设中的软土地基加固提供了新的安全可行的方法。
- The stability analysis of soft soil subgrade is complex, which is affected by lots of factor. 软基路堤的稳定分析是一个复杂的问题,需要对各种因素做较为全面的分析。
- Distribution pattern of samples on DCA ordination map showed,litters,depth of soft soil and elevation are positively correlated with each other. DCA二维排序图分布格局表明:活土厚度、枯枝落叶层厚度与海拔之间有极明显的正相关性。
- Reinforcement of Used Pier and Abutment on Soft Soil Ground Base 软土地基上的旧桥墩台加固
- A muffled sound resembling that of soft footsteps. 低沉声音象柔柔的脚步声的低沉的声音
- reinforcement of soft foundation 软基加固
- The earth in the garden is good, soft soil. 花园里的泥土松软肥沃。
- reinforcement of soft soft layer foundation 软土层地基加固
- The quality and performances of non-woven fabric and plastic core board place an important role in speeding up the consolidation of soft soil foundation. 无纺布滤膜和塑料芯板的质量与性能,对排水板在软基加固工程中能否发挥其加速软土固结排水的功能至关重要。