- new Regulations of Travel Agency Management 旅行社管理条例
- regulations of travel agency 旅行社条例
- There are a lot of travel agencys in Beijing. 北京有很多旅行社。
- You know, nowadays there are so many complaints about the shoddy service of travel agency. 你知道,现在有许多对旅行社劣质服务的投诉。
- Price includes: business car, English guide, lunch, liability insurance of travel agency, accident insurance of travel. 费用包含:一日商务用车、专业英文导游、午餐、旅行社责任保险、旅游意外保险。
- Romantic time travel agency thanks each company and every one who had support and co-operate us.We will work harder, to develop professedly and popularize the marketing of travel. 浪漫时光旅行社感谢社会各界对我们工作的支持与配合,我们将会更加努力、更加专业地开发和推广旅游市场。
- The cost of travel to the far east is prohibitive. 到远东旅游的费用高的令人不敢问津。
- A model of fussy comprehensive assessment of the quality of travel agency service has been set up, then an empirical study has been done with Linyi Taoranju International Travel Agency as the case. 摘要运用模糊数学的方法,建立了对旅行社服务质量进行的模糊综合评判的方法;并以山东省临沂陶然居国际旅行社为例,对服务质量进行了实证研究。
- Internet technology has profound influence on the marketing of travel agency. This article analyzes the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats that travel agency implements internet marketing through SWOT analysis. 摘要网络技术的发展对旅行社的营销活动产生了深远的影响,利用SWOT分析方法,对我国旅行社实施网络营销的优势、劣势、机会和威胁进行了全面的分析。
- I was unhappy because of the discomforts of travel. 我因为旅行的不适而感到不快。
- An AMOS analysis was performed to construct a model of Travel Agency's Chengxin with a data set consisting of 383 tourists, and then use another data set consisting of 388 tourists to retest it. 具体操作时,将正式问卷的数据随机分为两组,对样本容量为383的A组数据,从理论上和数据上确定双中介模型为最佳模型。 为了检验双中介模型的稳定性和衍展性,使用样本容量为388的B组数据对该模型进行了复核效化(Cross-validation)。
- Estoril Tours is the first travel agency set up in Macau, is considered to be the expert in the field of travel related services.Put yourself in our hands and we shall put Macau in yours. 爱都旅行社为第一间于澳门成立之旅行社,可称得上是旅游界之专家,请给我们信心,澳门的发展全赖有你!
- I will not mind work in a travel agency. 我不反对在一家旅行社工作。
- They have planned a tight schedule of travel. 他们安排了一个紧凑的旅行日程。
- Talking of travel, have you ever been to New York? 谈到旅行,你到过纽约吗?
- The quickest means of travel is by plane. 最快的交通工具是飞机。
- To follow the regulations of this port. 遵守港章。
- Travel Agency: This category provides the information of travel agencies in China and their itineraries.Travel Agency users are encouraged to publish your ads here. 语言服务: 提供口译、笔译等相关语言服务的供求信息,欢迎公司和个人用户在此发布信息。
- Regulations of Jiangsu Province on Pr. 江苏省软件产业促进条例。
- The second is regulations of admissibility. 第二部分是证据的可采性。