- The value of environment law is endowed with the dual contends by the dualism of the regulated object, which is the value of justice and utility. 这就是环境法具有正义和功利双重价值,而正义价值和功利价值又都具有双重的内容。
- Unmarried cohabitation should be fixed definitely in related legislation, and be regulated objectively and neutrally. 我国立法应对非婚同居作出明确规定,对其予以客观中立的规制。
- The regulated objects of competition law are competitive behaviors,but the competitive state is the intermedium of the values of competition law. 竞争法的规制对象只能是竞争行为,竞争状态则是竞争法的价值媒介。
- Furthermore,some other rules need also to be attended as the regulated objects in the library law, the relations between it and the ot... 另外,我们还要明确图书馆法的调整对象、处理好图书馆法与其他法律的关系、明确图书馆运行的基本制度。
- This paper analyzes the feasibility of library law legislation from the view points of legislation base and regulating object. 本文从我国图书馆立法的基础和调整对象两个角度,分析了制定图书馆法的可行性。
- He always travels first class expense is no object. 他出门总是用头等票--费用不成问题。
- He was too shortsighted to focus on the object. 他由于近视过深而无法把视力焦点对准在该物体上。
- I object to our privacy being invaded. 我反对我们的隐私权受到侵害。
- Many people object to experimentation on animals. 许多人反对用动物做实验。
- I object to your (unpleasant) insinuations! 我讨厌你那些(令人不快的)拐弯抹角的话!
- The thesis proposes the concept of “Telecom Law” and analyzes its regulative objects on the basis of the comparison of the concept of “Telecom”. 文章在通过比较研究得出“电信”定义的基础上,提出了“电信法”的概念并从四个方面分析了其调整对象。
- A cube is a three-dimensional object. 立方体是三维物体。
- The emission of visible light by a hot object. 白热光物体遇热发出可见光
- The microscope magnified the object 100 times. 这台显微镜将物体放大了100倍。
- Also, the model quantifies the regulating objectives for soil and water conservation and the adjustment of the current measures taken to combat soil erosion are suggested. 在物元分析方法中引入模糊数学中的隶属度概念,建立模糊物元模型来确定土壤侵蚀强度等级更具合理性。
- Accidents sometimes happen even in the best regulated families. 即便是在管理最好的家庭,事故有时也会发生的。
- The barrister entirely renounce his right to object to a juror. 这位律师完全放弃了反对陪审团成员的权力。
- Impetus of a physical object in motion. 冲力运动中物体的动力
- She won't object -- she's so meek and mild. 她不会有异议的--她一向是逆来顺受。
- Your watch is always slow; it needs to be regulated. 你的手表总是慢,需要校准一下。