- This regular meeting has been sublated. 这次例会已被取消了。
- We have a regular meeting every Thursday. 我们每星期四开例会。
- Why to have giddy appearance via regular meeting? 为什么经常会有头晕的现象呢?
- Why to have swimmy feeling via regular meeting? 为什么经常会有眩晕的感觉?
- Constant regular meeting is giddy, limply what disease be? 常常会头晕,四肢无力是什么病症?
- The regular meeting will take place the next quater, any questions? 例会将在下季度续会,你们还有什么意见吗?
- All departments attent the weekly regular meeting on time plese. 请各部门准时参加下午的每周例会。
- Project departments have project HSE regular meeting at the end of every month. 项目部在每月末举行项目HSE常规会议。
- Please each department join the weekly regular meeting this afternoon. 请各部门准时参加下午的每周例会。
- And, cold drink eats more, regular meeting influence is absorbed prandially. 而且,冷饮吃得多,一定会影响正餐的摄入。
- Organize and conduct regular meeting related to guest recognition to facilitate communications and smooth operations. 组织和参加各例会,做好客户沟通工作。
- An organisation, society, team, group or club is hereby defined as a regular meeting of three or more students. 页兹定义,组织、协会、团队和俱乐部指三名以上学生的定期集会。
- Usually, the organizing committee should have a regular meeting every two weeks. 组委会通常是每两个礼拜开一次例会。
- We are estate media only, with trading eventuate directs regular meeting affects our indifferent sex. 我们只是房地产媒体,以交易结果为导向一定会影响我们的中立性。”
- Can you have the idea of a few suicide via regular meeting when the person is lovelorn? 当人失恋的时候会不会经常会有一些自杀的念头呢?
- As long as assiduous and cultivated, perserve, final and regular meeting has good get one's own back. 只要勤奋耕耘,持之以恒,最终一定会有好的回报。”
- Shareholders' meetings are divided into regular meetings and interim meetings. 股东会会议分为定期会议和临时会议
- "After sufferring from clap, suppurate of urethral regular meeting or secrete mucus. “患淋病后,尿道常会流脓或分泌黏液。
- Fairs come from the regular meetings of European merchants in the Middle Ages. 市集起源于中世纪欧洲商人的定期集会。
- To Fu child for, regular meeting causes not contented sensation, huffish even, resentment. 对妇子来说,常会引起不满足的感觉,甚至发怒、怨恨。