- He is a handsome young man with regular features. 他是个五官端正的英俊青年。
- Institutionalized, and become a regular feature on the Organization's agenda. 活动制度化,并变成本机构议程的正常特色。
- Power blackouts have been a regular feature of life in India for many years. 多年来,停电是印度人司空见惯的事情。
- He is a man of regular features. 他是个五官端正的人。
- This young boy has regular features. 这小伙子,长得还挺周正的。
- We will look to this arrangement becoming a regular feature of the admission system. 我们希望这项收生安排会纳入正规收生制度。
- Revolts against the power of the rich have been a regular feature of American history, going all the way back to Thomas Jefferson. 既然政府被迫出手援救其他经济部门,想当然耳,社会大众也会如此看待其他待援企业的高阶主管。
- Proposals to scrap poison pills became a regular feature on annual proxy votes, often garnering the support of enough shareholders to make a difference. 年度代理投票中屡见要求废除毒丸策略的提案,股东中对此持支持态度者人数之多,足以扭转局面。
- He has very regular features. 他五官端正。
- She had specified fair hair, slim build, regular features and smooth skin. 她喜欢浅金发,身材苗条,相貌普通和皮肤光滑的人。
- Resumed only with the Carolingian renovatio of the VIIIth and IXth centuries, the transept created a Latin cross of the plan and was thereafter a regular feature of many western medieval churches. 由于宗教仪式日趋复杂,圣品人增多,扩建耳堂为圣品人专用,大一点的也分中厅和侧廊,其地下是圣人的坟墓。
- However Pazzini stayed at the club rather than move on and he is now a regular feature in the side and he has ensured his ruthlessness in front of goal means the great Toni is not missed. 不过帕齐尼选择留在俱乐部在,而不是要求转会,他现在是队中主力球员之一,他的例子就证明了一切。
- Action research helps you to formalise your learning and give a clear and justified account of your work, not on a one-off basis, but as a continuing regular feature of your practice. 用这种方式去帮助别人是最好的,显不出你有责任感和负责任行为。
- Miss Dashwood had a delicate complexion, regular features, and a remarkably pretty figure. 达什伍德小姐面色娇嫩,眉目清秀,身段袅娜。
- Tournaments today regularly feature $100,000-plus prize pools,with the first-place winner taking home approximately $40,000-plus. 现在的比赛的总奖金能达到10万美金,而冠军能把4万美金装回家。
- In her application, she had specified fair hair, slim build, regular features and smooth skin. 在她的申请中,她详细描述了金黄色的头发、苗条的身段、端庄的容貌以及细腻的皮肤。
- Boris was a tall, fair-haired lad with delicate, regular features, and a look of composure on his handsome face. 鲍里斯是个身材魁梧、头发浅黄的青年,他那宁静而俊美的面孔上,五官生得端正,眉清目秀。
- It is just like eminent monk preaches Buddhism with the calm and sedate looking, regular features, fine fettle and moving lips. 观之形态端庄,五官饱满,眉宇传神,嘴唇翕动,如佛使高僧向众生万物讲经说法。
- As hip-hop grew in popularity, the DJ with his two turntables, and the MC armed with a microphone, became regular features at urban parties. 随着嘻哈越来越受到欢迎,转动唱盘的dj和手持麦克风的MC成了都市派对上的固定角色。
- That maths exam I took was a regular brain drain. 绞尽脑汁的数学测验,我真是绞尽了脑汁。