- We will remain in regular contact with them. 我们将和他们保持经常的联系。
- At the same time,they should work patiently,get to know the officers well and keep in regular contact with them. 也要有耐心,能熟悉干部,联系干部。
- At the same time, they should work patiently, get to know the officers well and keep in regular contact with them. 也要有耐心,能熟悉干部,联系干部。
- The Yankees have asked Sheffield to assemble a list of teams, and he has been in regular contact with Cashman. 洋基层精要球雨刷伯来组织球队,雨刷伯也曾经与现金男接触过。
- Ensure regular contact and updates under the direction of the Customs Affairs manager to GMNC, Area and operations managers. 保证在关务经理的指导下定期与总部物流部,区域和作业经理联系。
- Winemaker Kim Hart is in charge of this imposing facility, and is in regular contact with each of the growers, ensuring a continuous supply of high-quality material to the winery. 我们的采购人员与它们有密切沟通,保证我们高品质的葡萄酒源源不断的出品。
- Maintain an awareness of customer needs through regular contact via telephone calls and visits, both proactively and reactively. 通过及时的定期电话、拜访接洽客户,来维护客户需求的认知度。
- The post holder will be in regular contact with external companies, suppliers and customers, and must present SECCO's values and reputation to external parties. 本岗位将经常与外公司,供应商和客户联系,必须将赛科的良好形象和信誉带给外届。
- Politicians are not averse to using Chelsea or indeed football, either in a positive or negative way to suit their own ends, so it's important to have regular contact with them. 实际上,政治家在为达到自身的目的努力时,往往并不会顾及到其行为是否维护或损害切尔西甚或是整个足球界的利益,因此与他们保持常常性的沟通就显得尤为重要。
- The powerful front man claims the French champions were in regular contact with him, in allegations that are unlikely to sit well with officials at the West London club. 这名强力的前锋声称法国冠军经常联系他,并且断言和西伦敦俱乐部通过官方坐下来好好谈判似乎不太可能。
- Visitors to the farm that have regular contact with other pigs (vets, customers/potential customers, etc), should plan to have 48 hours away from pigs prior to their visit. 参观者允许与猪有常规的接触,但是在进入参观之前有48小时的隔离时间。
- We know these affiliates are connected to Zarqawi,because they remain even today in regular contact with his direct subordinates,including the poison cell plotters,and they are involved in moving more than money and materiale. 我们知道这些成员与扎卡威相关联,因为他们至今仍与扎卡威的手下,包括制毒小组的人员来往密切。实际上他们不仅在调动资金和物资。
- Also, the council maintains regular contacts with its counterparts overseas and in the Mainland. 消委会与海外及内地的消费者机构保持密切联系。
- Also,the council maintains regular contacts with its counterparts overseas and in the Mainland. 消委会与海外及内地的消费者机构保持密切联系。
- We know these affiliates are connected to Zarqawi because they remain even today in regular contact with his direct subordinates, including the poison cell plotters, and they are involved in moving more than money and materiale. 我们知道这些成员与扎卡威相关联,因为他们至今仍与扎卡威的手下,包括制毒小组的人员来往密切。实际上他们不仅在调动资金和物资。
- Volunteers act as Family Befrienders to maintain regular contacts with the families to assist them in meeting the objective of the CDAC Workfare Programme. 义工将扮演家庭义务辅导员,定期与这些家庭保持联络,以协助他们达到华助会就业援助计划的目的。
- Have effective measures to extend marketing channels, to call on potential customers to develop new business, to maintain regular contacts with customers actively. 通过有效手段寻找客户渠道,开发客户资源,主动联系和跟踪客户;
- That maths exam I took was a regular brain drain. 绞尽脑汁的数学测验,我真是绞尽了脑汁。
- She cast her eyes down to avoid direct eye contact. 她垂下双目以避免对视。
- The CI is a federation of 273 consumer organisations in 121 countries dedicated to the protection and promotion of consumer interests. The council also maintains regular contacts with its counterparts overseas and in the Mainland. 国际消费者联会致力保障和促进消费者权益,成员来自121个国家共273个消费者组织。