- regional education difference 区域教育差异
- ORG]Appalachian Regional Education Laboratory - AEL, Inc. 访问数/每百万人:Reach for [AEL.
- Laws regarding the rights of animals used in research and education differ throughout the world. 世界各国有关用于科研和教育目的动物的权利的法律不尽相同。
- In recent years the textbooks on regional education is one of several focuses in the academic study. 摘要乡土志是近年学术界讨论的热点问题之一,但尚有不少方面没有涉及。
- In 1986, the Southern Regional Education Board gave a test to eleventh graders in five southern states. 1986年,南方地区教育委员会对南方的五个州的十一年级学生进行考试。
- The four Regional Education Offices are in full operation, providing comprehensive and integrated services to schools and the public through a series of school development visits, thematic seminars and professional networking. 四个区域教育服务处全面投入服务,通过连串的学校发展探访、专题研讨会及教师专业网络,为学校和市民提供全面的综合服务。
- The four Regional Education Offices are in full operation,providing comprehensive and integrated services to schools and the public through a series of school development visits,thematic seminars and professional networking. 四个区域教育服务处全面投入服务,通过连串的学校发展探访、专题研讨会及教师专业网络,为学校和市民提供全面的综合服务。
- Find the 24-hour EDB hotline and important contact numbers of the Bureau, including its Regional Education Offices, and School Places Allocation and Special Education Services Sections. 此网页清晰列出教育局24小时热线及主要组别的查询电话号码,包括区域教育服务处、学位分配及特殊教育服务组别等。
- What preparations do you make when you are faced with the education differences between China and USA? 为中美两国教育体制的不同做了那些准备?
- After the unification deployment, the autonomous region education department, the sports bureau, the Communist Youth League district party committee has retransmitted this document jointly. 经统一部署,自治区教育厅、体育局、共青团区委联合转发了该文件。
- Iosco Regional Educational Service Agency - Events, contact information, and educational services. 易易工作室-各种在线工具,站长网志,以及多个应用项目。
- The planning of the regional educational development(PORED)belongs to the macroscopic educational category. 区域教育发展规划属于宏观教育研究范畴。
- Wayne County Regional Educational Service Agency - RESA provides student support programs. Overview of departments, services, and workshops. 易易工作室-各种在线工具,站长网志,以及多个应用项目。
- This paper will disscuse the issues in the constrution of harmonic society and development of multiethnic regions education. 摘要本文尝试从语言文字平等的角度探讨和谐社会构建与民族地区教育的发展问题。
- Regional Educational Media Center 7 - Curriculum, workshops, and resources for teachers. Serving Allegan, Grant, and Ottowa counties. 易易工作室-各种在线工具,站长网志,以及多个应用项目。
- On Regional Education Policy Making 论区域教育政策制定
- The Coleman report, which highlighted the insignificance of educational differences between blacks and whites, raised many issues and started new controversies. 科勒蔓的报告着重强调了黑人与白人之间在教育上的差异是徽不足道的,因而出现了许多问题,引起了新的争论。
- regional education informatization 区域教育信息化
- Our team won the regional laurels. 我们的球队赢得了地区冠军。
- the strategy of regional education development 区域教育发展战略