- As the first regional economic organization that China joins, the establishment of CAFTA will have the profound influences to Chinese foreign trade development. 作为中国加入的第一个区域性经济组织,其成立必然会对中国的对外贸易发展产生深远的影响。
- Empirical Study on Regional Economic Organization 区域经济空间组织实证研究:以辽宁省为例
- An Analysis on the Possibility of Building the Regional Economic Organization in the East Asia in 21 Century 21世纪东亚区域经济组织建立的可行性分析
- regional economic organization 区域性经济组织
- COMESA is Africa's largest regional economic cooperation organization, now has 19 member countries. 东南非共同市场是非洲最大的地区经济合作组织,现有19个成员国。
- Regional warfare and regional economic relationship II. 区域大战与区域经济关系2。
- We should take an active part in regional economic exchanges and cooperation. 积极参与区域经济交流和合作。
- COM]The Saskatoon Regional Economic Development Authority Inc. 访问数/每百万人:Reach for [SREDA.
- We believe that this Organization will serve regional and world peace and stability. It will also play an increasingly important role in advancing regional economic cooperation. 我相信该组织的进一步成长和扩大,将会有利于世界和地区的和平、稳定,也会为推进区域经济合作发挥越来越重要的作用。
- The Enlightenment of the EU's Prosperity and the CMEA's Winding-up for the Development of Regional Economic Organizations 欧盟与经互会的兴亡对区域性经济组织发展的启示
- Absence of foreseeable major international or regional economic upheavals. 没有可预见而重大的国际或地区性经济动荡。
- Promote Pan-Beibu Gulf Sub-region and Advance Regional Economic Development. 促进泛北部湾经济合作,构建区域经济发展新格局!
- Those which establish or are restructured into joint-stock enterprises or other economic organization. 设立或者改制为股份制企业以及其他经济组织的。
- Better regional economic cooperation is reaffirmed by past experience. 加强区域经济合作是历史的重要启示。
- This paper proposes a dynamic framework of economic organization called the option-creating institution (OCI) model. 本文构建了一个经济组织的动态框架,被称为期权创造机制(OCI)模型。
- As a new economic organization form, industrial cluster sharpens competitive edge for most of the industries. 产业集群作为一种新的经济组织形式,可以为绝大多数产业提升竞争优势。
- The issues in the party's construction of non-government economic organization have their own complicated causations. 摘要非公有制经济组织党的建设面临的问题有其复杂的根源。
- Regional economic development is a staple among the applications of economic theory. 地区性经济发展是经济理论应用上的一个主题。
- As a developmental financial institution of the government, China Development Bank (CDB) is also a special economic organization. 摘要国家开发银行作为政府的开发性金融机构,是一种特殊的经济组织。
- Murra, John, 1956, The Economic Organization of the Inca State. Ph.D. dissertation, Anthropology Department, University of Chicago. 徐韶仁,1987,利稻村布农族的祭仪;治疗仪礼之研究。中国文化大学民族与华侨研究所硕士论文。