- Stand clear of the swinging boom of the crane. 不要走近转动的超重机吊杆。
- She is adamant in refuse to comply with his wish. 她固执地拒绝按他的意愿办。
- It would be bad taste to refuse their invitation. 拒绝他们的邀请是不礼貌的。
- From every window head is crane for a view of it. 每一个窗口都有人探出头来看。
- I simply refuse to conceive of such a solution. 这样的解决办法,我是绝对不考虑的。
- Just for an instant I think he would go to refuse. 我脑中有一闪念,以为他要拒绝了。
- He crane his neck to get a glimpse of the parade. 他伸长脖子看了看游行的队伍。
- It might be impolitic to refuse his offer. 谢绝他的好意未免失策。
- The council is responsible for refuse collection. 市政局负责清除垃圾废物。
- I refuse to answer that question. 我不愿回答那个问题。
- The driver slewed the crane round. 司机把吊车转了过来。
- I refuse to go there, on principle. 我原则上拒绝到那儿去。
- The long boom of the crane functions like our arms. 起重机的长臂与我们的手臂功能相同。
- Am I to understand that you refuse? 我是不是应当认为你拒不接受?
- A grey crane flew onto the tree. 一只灰鹤飞到树上。
- There is a refuse dump out of the town. 镇外有个垃圾场。
- I refuse to be dictated to by you. 我不愿被你呼来唤去的。
- I wouldn't refuse help to an old friend. 我不会拒绝帮助一位老朋友。
- He dumped all the refuse into the garbage can. 他将全部垃圾倒入垃圾桶。
- We used a crane to lift the huge box into the backyard. 我们使用起重机将这个大箱子搬进了后院。