- Adoption of new courses calls for research type teachers. 新课程的实施呼唤研究型教师。
- Alternatively, a reflective type of adhesive containing aluminium powder may be used. 此外,也可采用含有铝粉的反射型粘接剂。
- The working principle of reflective type intensity modulate fiber-optic displacement sensor was described in brief and the measuring principle of internal thread was discussed in detail. 介绍了反射式强度调制型光纤位移传感器的工作原理,讨论了基于光纤传感的内螺纹参数非接触测量方法的检测原理;
- Meanwhile,the author also gave advices for cultivating "teacher + engineer" type teachers,training students' practice ability when instructing their graduation de... 同时,还对建设“双师型”教师队伍及教师在指导毕业设计中培养学生的实践能力,加强毕业答辩的管理提出了建议。
- The notable differences between the unitary type teachers and the synthetical type teachers depend on connotation, characteristic, forming cause and producing background. 摘要单一型教师与综合型教师在内涵、特征及形成原因、产生背景上存在显著的差异。
- This example displays the reflected type of a method in a derived class. 本示例显示派生类中某个方法的反射类型。
- The following code example displays the reflected type of a dynamic method. 下面的代码示例显示动态方法的反射类型。
- However, the aim of this training form is to foster the new type teacher adapting to the requirements in the informational times, which mostly based on the traditional instructional theory and design idea. 然而,以培养信息时代新型教师为目标的教却大多建立在传统教育理论和设计思想的基础上,这种培养目标与理论基础、教学行为的巨大反差严重影响了培育的质量和效益。
- Typing Teacher: Your typing is improving, Mary. There are only seventeen mistakes here. Mary: That's great! 打字老师:玛丽,你的打字有进步,这儿只有十七个错。玛丽:那太棒了!老师:现在我再来看看第二句。
- The classification of DRO has been recommended and reflecting type DRO, feedback type DRO have been simulated and designed. 本文介绍了介质谐振振荡器(DRO)的分类,并对其中的反射式DRO 和并联反馈式DRO 进行了优化设计。
- When we were finally able to take Lilly back to school, the typing teacher just smiled at us and said: "We will find a way. 最后我们终于把利丽送回到学校,打字老师笑着对我们说:“我们会想办法的。
- A novel high reflectivity type of semiconductor saturable absorption mirror grown by metal organic chemical vapor deposition is presented. 利用金属有机气相淀积方法生长了一种新型吸收体:高反射率半导体可饱和吸收镜。
- It not only includes the characteristic of low PDL, but also can be easily fabricated compared to the common reflection type VOA. 此设计不仅有反射式光衰减器的低偏极相关损耗(PDL)的优点,而且相较于一般的反射式光衰减器其制作上非常简单。
- He has to reflect on what answer to give. 他得思考一下如何答复。
- The shock reflection type on the wedges of 50 is regular reflection and the shock reflection type on the wedges of 35 is Mach reflection. 平面震波于50度斜面上的反射型态为正规反射,而在35度斜面上之反射型态为马赫反射。
- The character that setup type teachers should have 论创新型教师应具备的素质
- Learning to Reflect: a Key Skill for New- typed Teachers 学会反思:新型教师要素
- To discover information such as the name, data type, declaring type, reflected type, and read-only or writable status of a property, and to get or set property values. 来了解如下的类似信息:属性的名称、数据类型、声明类型、反射类型和只读或可写状态等;并获取或设置属性值。
- To discover information such as the name, event-handler data type, custom attributes, declaring type, and reflected type of an event, and to add or remove event handlers. 来了解如下的类似信息:事件的名称、事件处理程序数据类型、自定义属性、声明类型和反射类型等;并添加或移除事件处理程序。
- He continued to reflect upon it. 他继续思索这个问题。