- This paper discusses the relationship between the reflectances of bitumen and vitrinite in rock and esta- blishes linear regression equation,using the thermal experiment of oil shale which contain bitumen and vitrinite. 利用含有沥青和镜质体两种组分的油页岩作热模拟实验,探讨了岩石中沥青与镜质体两种反射率之间的关系,建立了线性回归方程。
- reflectance of bitumen 沥青反射率
- The girl is a reflection of her mother. 那女孩长得和她母亲一模一样。
- Reflection of display elements about a line or plane. 显示元素再现在相对于某一条直线或某一个平面的对称位置。
- His dark looks are a reflection of his unhappiness. 他阴郁的神情是内心苦恼的反映。
- The reflection of the pagoda comes and goes. 塔影时隐时现。
- The reflection of sun confused me. 反射的太阳光令人目眩.
- This is a reflection of their frailty. 这是他们虚弱的反映。
- The reflection of flames lighted the sky. 熊熊火焰把天空映得通红。
- This is only a reflection of their frailty. 这只是他们虚弱的反映。
- The formula of reflectance of the dielectric mirror is derived. 导出了这种叠加结构介质镜的反射率公式。
- Law is the reflection of economic conditions. 法律是经济状况的反映。
- In Ancient Egypt,when a poor person died,his body was merely enclosed in a thick layer of bitumen to keep out the air. 在古埃及,穷人死后,他的躯体仅用厚厚的一层沥青包起来以隔绝空气。
- He is simply a reflection of his father. 他极象他的父亲。
- Heat supply technology influences directly the production cost and efficiency of bitumen reservoir. 沥青库加热技术的好坏直接关系到沥青库的生产成本与经济效率。
- The irradiation stability of bitumen and bituminized producthas been investigated. 本文研究了沥青及沥青固化产品的辐照稳定性。
- Your clothes are a reflection of your personality. 一个人的衣著可反映出其个性。
- A reflection of that heaven rested on the Bishop. 来自天空的一线彩光正射在主教的身上。
- The paper introduced the requirements of bitumen concrete construction key equipment mixer, paver and materials usage. 该文对沥青砼施工关键设备拌合机、铺机以及关键材料的使用提出一些具体要求。
- Her achievements are a reflection of her courage. 她的成就是她勇气的显示