- reference materials series 系列基准物质
- Reference materials are ready to hand. 参考资料就在手边。
- Test materials and reference materials of quality research. 质量研究工作的试验资料及文献资料。
- Cable material series for communication cable. 通信线缆用电缆系列。
- Three elements in the reference materials of Sn-alloy were analyzed by ED-XRF. 本文提出X荧光能谱法测定锡基合金中三个元素含量的方法。
- Under the guidance and organization of IAEA and associate organization,quite a number of scientists have taken active part in this task,and a series of isotopic reference materials have been established and widely used. 在国际原子能机构等国际组织的组织和指导下 ,许多研究人员积极参与 ,逐步建立了一批应用广泛的同位素参考物质。
- The CD-ROM is easy to use as a reference material. 本光碟是容易使用的参考资料。
- They also recommended related reference material. 他们还推荐了有关的参考资料。
- Management products are: Mechanics Materials Series: tensile testing machine, paper packing compression test machine, shaking table. 经营产品有:力学材料系列:拉力试验机,纸品包装抗压试机,振动台。
- I need reference material for my paper. 我写论文需要一些参考资料。
- The quality of grinding and polishing materials series products have achieved the top-ranking level, mostly products have achieved the imported similar same products level. 本厂生产的研磨抛光材料系列产品的质量已达到国内一流水平,大部分产品已达到进口同类产品水平。
- We spent days going through all related reference material. 我们花了好多天功夫查阅所有有关的参考资料。
- The agency also developed writing aids and reference materials such as guidebooks on official Chinese writing. 此外,该署亦编制写作辅助工具和参考材料,例如出版政府公文写作手册。
- Provides reference material for XSLT elements and functions. 提供XSLT元素和函数的参考资料。
- The main production and distribution enterprises, "European", "Reston" and "ACM Oslo United States" and other brands of aluminum decorative ceiling and wall decoration materials Series Products. 本企业主要生产并经销“欧陆”、“莱斯顿”和“ACM奥斯美”等商标品牌的铝制装饰天花及幕墙系列装饰材料产品。
- The sales volume of reference material for teaching is the largest. 教参销售量最大。
- To facilitate learning, a resource room with rich reference materials is open for students to use. 为了帮助学员学习,学院设有学习资源中心,备有多种与课程相关的书籍及参考资料,供学员自习使用。
- Civic education reference materials produced during the year included handbooks for parents, newsletters for young school children and a 2002 calendar on good citizenship. 委员会还制作了各类公民教育参考资料,包括家长手册、儿童杂志、以良好公民素质为题的年历等。
- Water purification material Series: If Quartz sand, Activated Carbon, Manganese sand, Anthracite, and Ion exchange resins. 水处理填料系列:如石英砂、活性碳、锰砂、无烟煤和离子交换树脂。
- Five elements in the reference materials of the alloy steels were analyzed by EDXRF. 本方法采用能谱仪中定量分析软件,选择适当工作条件,测定合金结构钢中五个元素。