- In this paper,the contents of herbicide bifenox weredeterminated by the differential UV spectrophotometry at 280nm,and the reference solution was that the 40. 本文采用差示紫外分光光度法,以40.0微克/毫升的甲羧除草醚己烷液为参比溶液,在波长280纳米处测定其含量。
- The content of triazin in ceftriaxone sodium was calculated through peak area ratio between its area in test solution and ceftriaxone sodium area in 1.0% reference solution according to European Pharmacopoeia. 根据欧洲药典方法;用质量分数为1.;0%25的头孢曲松钠对照液做对照;以头孢曲松钠供试液中三嗪环的峰面积与质量分数为1
- The method has been successfully used to the determination of phosphorus in ferronickel samples.The results compare favourably with determination values of compensating method with reference solution. 方法用于镍铁样品中磷的测定,测定结果与参比容液消除法一致。
- This paper studies the problems and suggests a reference solution on the basis of PEAP mechanism.This solution may be added as a tunnel protocol extension to improve the security of PEAP. 本文在阐明PEAP协议工作机制的基础上分析了中间者攻击问题,并给出了一种可以添加到PEAP中作为隧道协议扩展的解决方案,从而有效地改进了PEAP协议的安全性。
- Results:The reference solutions between ChP and BP were similar,but between ChP and USP were different. 结果:中英药典标准比色液之间有相似之处,但与美国药典标准比色液差别较大。
- Don't refer to this matter again, please. 请不要再提这件事了。
- variable reference solution method 对照液变化法
- It may take a long time to find a solution to the problem. 也许要花很长时间才能找到解决这个问题的办法。
- Sun Reference Solution for Enterprise Messaging Consolidation Sun企业信息整合参考解决方案
- Sun Reference Solution for Secure Network Access Platform Sun安全网络访问平台参考解决方案
- I simply refuse to conceive of such a solution. 这样的解决办法,我是绝对不考虑的。
- This reference book is very useful to our study. 这本参考书对我们的研究很有用。
- Is this reference book of any use to me? 这本参考书对我有用处吗?
- What color is copper sulphate solution? 硫酸铜溶液是什么颜色?
- I like to have my reference book within my reach. 我喜欢把参考书放在随手拿得到的地方。
- Mary is sceptical about the solution. 玛丽对这个解决办法表示怀疑。
- Tony used no reference books in class. 托尼上课时不使用参考书。
- His problem did not really admit of any solution. 他的问题真是没有解决的可能。
- Evidently shipowner to bear expense refer. 很明显船主应承担此费用。
- He doped out a solution to the problem. 他想出一个解决该问题的方法。