- Don't refer to this matter again, please. 请不要再提这件事了。
- My brother is always at my father's beck and call. 我兄弟总是对我父亲唯命是从。
- Donna call on her friend kita for a chat. 多娜到她的朋友莉塔家闲谈。
- Forgive me so early to call up you please. 请原谅我这么早给你打电话。
- That's all there is to make a speed dial call. 在那里全部要进行快速拨号呼叫。
- This reference book is very useful to our study. 这本参考书对我们的研究很有用。
- All you have to do is call on the house phone. 我只要做的就是拨个室内电话。
- Is this reference book of any use to me? 这本参考书对我有用处吗?
- I like to have my reference book within my reach. 我喜欢把参考书放在随手拿得到的地方。
- I'm going to call on one of my former classmates. 我要去看望我的一位老同学。
- Tony used no reference books in class. 托尼上课时不使用参考书。
- Evidently shipowner to bear expense refer. 很明显船主应承担此费用。
- You may push this button to call the elevator. 你可以按这个按钮叫电梯。
- Your best bet would be to call again tomorrow. 你最好明天再打电话来。
- There is no further reference to him in her diary. 她的日记中没有进一步提到他。
- I feel washed out. Let's call it a day. 我觉得疲乏了。今天就干到这里吧。
- Currie confirmed Socks' death Friday evening and said she was "heartbroken." She did not give detail s, referring calls to the Clinton Foundation office. 柯里于上周五晚间证实了“袜子”的死讯,并称自己“非常伤心”。她没有透露“袜子”的具体死因,只称如有问题可以联系克林顿基金会办公室。
- He got hung up with a phone call as he was leaving. 他刚要动身就被一个电话给耽误了。
- He had the temerity to call me a liar. 他竟胆敢说我撒谎。
- I know her face but I can't call her name to mind. 我认得她,但想不起她的名字了。