- reeve muntjac 小麂
- Dangchang Qiang Han anal by the yak, white horse, the wolf Senate, and Chang, Formosan Reeve's muntjac, the "capital" Qiang tribes. 宕昌羌是由汉肛的牦牛、白马、参狼、且昌、山羌、“保”羌部落组成。
- The species closely resembles the red muntjac. 这个物种很近似于赤麂。
- Christopher Reeve died on October 10, 2004. 克里斯托弗.;里夫于2004年10月10日去世。
- The slim luck that had nurtured Reeve ran out. 支撑着里夫的微小的幸运用尽了。
- Christopher Reeve made Superman. 克里斯托弗·里夫饰演了超人一角。
- The bark of the muntjac was believed to waken the sun. 人们相信山羌的吠叫声可以唤醒太阳.
- Taiwan muntjac deer and pangolin inhabit the forests today. 山羌和穿山甲栖息在森林之中.
- Of particular interest is the chart of Christopher Reeve. 比较引人兴趣的是克里斯托夫?李维的命盘。
- Strung from the truss in the next barn along was a muntjac. 悬在隔壁仓房的梁上的是一头麂鹿。
- Last week, Dana Reeve died of lung cancer at the age of forty-four. 上周,44岁的戴娜·里维因肺癌而过世。
- This was the only way anyone could imagine Christopher Reeve. 谁也无法想象克里斯托弗会是另外一种样子.
- Reeve: A swift rise or lift onto the ball of the foot. 踮脚尖:用脚前掌球部迅速起身的动作。
- While Reeve is more outgoing, Routh is more inner-going. 布兰顿在影视界是新人,因此他还很单纯。
- Reeve expected nothing less and continued to improve. 里夫期望得更多,他的身体状况继续改善。
- No one could imagine Christopher Reeve any other way. 谁也无法想象克里斯托弗会是另外一种样子。
- Somarang, Vol. 1, Reeve, Benham, and Reeve, London, U. 菜寮化石研究专辑,台南县立文化中心编印。
- Tiger preferred gaur and avoided muntjac, while the leopard avoided wild pig. 虎偏爱白肢野牛,而不喜欢麂,而豹子则不喜欢猎取野猪。
- She took care of "Superman" actor Christopher Reeve for nine years. 她照顾超人的扮演者克里斯多夫·里维长达9年。
- The muntjac particularly like eating bluebells and other sensitive plants in woodlands. 麂鹿特别喜食蓝铃草和其他生长在林地中的娇嫩的植物。