- reefed parachute 收口伞
- Beyond the coral reef the open sea is dark blue. 珊瑚礁之外的大海是一片深蓝色。
- Delivery of supplies to a place by parachute. 伞投,空投用降落伞向一个地方投放物资
- Beyond the coral reef the open sea was dark blue. 珊瑚礁之外的大海是一片深蓝色。
- The ship was wrecked on a coral reef. 那艘船触珊瑚礁失事。
- Our ship was able to haul up just before it hit the submerged reef. 我们的船就在要撞上暗礁的时候停住了。
- When his parachute failed he thought he was a goner. 他的降落伞打不开了,他想他算完了。
- The ship struck a hidden reef and went dawn with all hands. 船只撞上暗礁与全体船员一起沉没。
- Our first parachute jump was an exhilarating experience. 我们第一次跳伞感到兴奋莫名。
- The parachute puffed all around. 降落伞噗地张开了。
- The airman boldly jumped from the airplane with his parachute. 飞行员带著降落伞勇敢地跳下飞机。
- The airman boldly jump from the airplane with his parachute. 飞行员带着降落伞勇敢地跳下飞机。
- The ship and its crew were lost on the reef. 那条船及船员都触礁遇难了。
- That ship and all hands on board were lost on the reef. 那条船连同全体船员都触礁遇难了。
- They say that inshore of the reef is a lagoon. 他们说在靠近海岸的暗礁之间有一个礁湖。
- There is usefulness to the parachute. 降落伞是有用的。
- My parachute eased me groundward. 降落伞载着我徐徐下落。
- Big waves hammered at the coral reef. 大浪不断冲击着那珊瑚礁。
- Supplies were dropped by parachute. 补给品由降落伞空投。
- He has joined up in the Parachute Regiment. 他参加了伞兵团。