- She was reduced to tears by their criticisms. 他们的批评使她流下了眼泪。
- She was reduced to tears by the cruel words. 听了那刻薄的话,她就只有哭的份了。
- He was reduced to tears by a foreignBody in the eye. 眼中的异物使他流泪。
- He was reduced to tears by a foreign Body in the eye. 眼中的异物使他流泪
- Their sharp remarks reduced her to tears. 他们尖刻的话使她哭了起来。
- More tellingly, his canines are supposed to be sharper to tear food but have been reduced to squarer, smoothed stumps. 更能说明事实的是,他的犬齿本来应该更尖锐一点,来撕裂食物,却已磨成较四方、较平滑的残牙。
- His emotional language reduced many of the audience to tears. 他满怀感情的话语使许多观众流下眼泪。
- Such is human nature that everybody present was moved to tears. 人性就是这样,所以在场的每个人都感动得流下眼泪。
- The child was reduced to tears. 这小孩被弄哭了。
- The ferocious winds seemed about to tear the ship to pieces. 猛烈的狂风仿佛要把船撕成碎片似的。
- The sad story moved me to tears of sympathy. 这个悲伤的故事使我感动得流下了同情的眼泪。
- To reduce to a standard or an average; equalize. 使平衡使削减到一个标准或平均值;使平衡
- They were reduced to begging or starving. 他们穷得不行乞便挨饿。
- She is a young girl given to tears. 她是一个爱哭的女孩。
- To reduce to tiny particles or a fine spray. 使雾化,使成微粒,使成粉末使成为极小颗粒或微小尘埃
- I must reduce to get into that dress. 我得减肥才能穿那件衣服。
- The enemy were reduced to the small island. 敌人被困在那个小岛上。
- She was thrilled to tears by this good news. 她听到这个好消息激动得流下眼泪。
- She was affected to tears by his confession. 他的悔过使她感动得流泪。
- To reduce to a general form,class,or law. 使一般化赋予一普遍形式、种类或定律