- Can reduce the risk of cervical cancer. 都能减低子宫颈癌的风险。
- At CAMH to reduce the risk of relapse. 减少复发。
- The method it uses is so sound and so brilliant that it reduces the risk of loss to an almost negligible level. 该方法采用的是使声音和辉煌,它可减少损失的风险,以一个几乎可以忽略的水平。
- The risk of loss or damage is increased. 承保风险扩大。
- To reduce the risk of damage a light mulch only should be used. 为了减少受害的危险,只应进行薄薄的覆盖。
- Regular inspections reduce the risk of workplace accidents. 例行检查减小工作事故的风险。
- By planning your dual-boot setup you can reduce the risk of error. 您可以通过计划您的多启动安装来减少出现错误的风险。
- reduce the risks of loss 分散发生损失的危险
- The main reason for secured loans is to reduce the bank risk of loss if the borrower is unwilling or unable to repay the loan at maturity. 实行抵押贷款的主要原因是当借款人在贷款到期日不愿或无力偿还贷款时,可减少银行遭受损失的风险。
- Reduces the risk of heart disease. 降低心脏病的危害机率。
- This reduces the risk of infecting the child. 这会减少婴儿感染病毒的风险。
- The risk of loss in foreign exchange margin trading can be substantial. 外汇孖展买卖的亏损风险可以十分重大。
- CPR, or cardiopulmonary resuscitation, can save a life and reduce the risk of brain damage from loss of oxygen. 心肺复苏术(CPR)能够抢救患者的生命,并且能降低因缺氧而引起大脑损伤的危险。
- Giving up smoking reduces the risk of heart disease. 戒烟会减少得心脏病的风险。
- Reduce the risk of targeting unproductive prospects. 降低可能得出没有结果的风险。
- I don't want to run the risk of meeting John. 我可不想冒遇见约翰的危险。
- Experts say taking estrogen and progestin does reduce the risk of the bone loss disease, osteoporosis. 专家说,考虑雌,孕激素不降低风险的骨质流失病,骨质疏松症。
- Alendronate is used to reduce bone loss, increase bone density and reduce the risk of spine, wrist and hip fractures in postmenopausal women. 阿仑磷酸盐具有降低绝经妇女骨骼流失,增加其骨密度,降低其脊椎、腕部、臀部骨折风险的作用。
- You shouldn't underestimate the risks of the enterprise. 你不应低估这一计划的风险。
- The insurance industry, which emerged in the nineteenth century, required precise knowledge about the risk of loss in order to calculate premiums. 十九世纪产生的保险业,需要精确地知道造成损失的危险程度有多大,以便计算保险费用。