- redeployment of fighters 战斗机转场
- This sort of fighter is invisible to radar. 这种战斗机雷达是侦测不到的。
- Mark tried soldiering for two weeks with a band of fighters. 马克和一帮战士一起当了两周的士兵。
- That locality was outside the range of fighter support. 但其位置远在战斗机支援航程以外。
- The cruising speed of this new type of fighter is Mach two. 这种新型战斗机的巡航速度为声速的两倍。
- Happy love, makes tight state of mind of fighter go slow down. 美满的爱情,使斗士紧绷的心情松弛下来。
- A member of an organized body of fighters who attack or harass an enemy, especially within occupied territory; a guerrilla. 游击队员有组织的战斗团体中从事袭击和骚扰敌人的成员,尤指在被占领土内; 游击队员
- Redeployment of an application-level add-in is necessary when you must change the location of a deployed solution. 如果必须更改已部署的解决方案的位置,需要重新部署应用程序级外接程序。
- So the act calls only for responsible redeployment of resources, a hopelessly vague formulation. 法案要求负责任的对士兵进行调换,一个毫无希望非常模糊的表达。
- Redeployment of a Microsoft Office Outlook 2003 solution is necessary when you must change the location of a deployed solution. 当您必须更改已部署的解决方案的位置时,需要重新部署Microsoft Office Outlook 2003解决方案。
- The re-organization involved the permanent redeployment of a total of 483 posts comprising professional, taxation and general grades staff. 是次架构重组,涉及483个职位的长期调配,其中包括专业、税务及一般职系在内。
- Enemy missiles took out two of our fighters. 敌人的导弹炸毁我们两架战斗机。
- Two senior senatorsfrom Mr.Bush's own Republican Party are pressing the president to begin planning for the redeployment of U. 两名属于布什共和党的参议员要求总统开始美军重新行动计划。
- The Democratic presidential contenders support various troop withdrawal proposals that would force a redeployment of U.S. forces out of Iraq next year. 民主党总统竞选人列出各种各样的撤军提案,来在明年使美国能从伊拉克撤军。
- He said the Democrats propose to begin what he called a responsible and rapid redeployment of American troops out of Iraq. 他说民主党提议在伊拉克实施他所谓的负责任且迅速的武装撤离行动。
- Allows operation of fighter drones. 20% increase in fighter damage per level. 允许黄蜂的战斗操作,每级技能增加20%25的伤害。
- Two senior senator s from Mr.Bush's own Republican Party are pressing the president to begin planning for the redeployment of U.S. troops. 来自布什总统自家共和党的两位资深参议员迫压总统开始筹划美军的调防。
- The battleship approached the combat zone under a cover of fighter planes. 战舰在战斗机的掩护下驶近战区
- Two senior senators from Mr.Bush’s own Republican Party are pressing the president to begin planning for the redeployment of U. 两位与布什同属于共和党的高级参议员正不断地向总统布什施加压力,以使其开始筹划重新部署驻伊美军。