- Paralytic shellfish poisoning and diarrhetic shellfish poisoning in red tide monitoring area of Sandu Bay, Fujian 福建三都湾赤潮监控区的麻痹性贝毒和腹泻性贝毒研究
- Keywords red tide monitoring area of Sandu Bay;paralytic shellfish poisoning;diarrhetic shellfish poisoning; 三都湾赤潮监控区;麻痹性贝毒;腹泻性贝毒;
- Keywords marine ecology;variation;DIN;phytoplankton;influence;Funing Bay;Sandu Bay red tide monitoring area; 海洋生态;变化特征;无机氮;浮游植物;影响;福宁湾;三都湾赤潮监控区;
- Keywords active phosphorus;inorganic nitrogen;temporal and spatial variation;Funin Bay;Sandu Bay red tide monitoring area; 活性磷酸盐;无机氮;时空变化;福宁湾;三都湾赤潮监控区;
- A consultancy study on red tide monitoring and management was completed in May. 监察和管理本港红潮的顾问报告已于一九九九年五月完成。
- dominant area of red tide monitoring 赤潮重点监控区
- To improve early warning of red tide outbreaks, the department upgraded its monitoring capability from visible red tide monitoring to proactive phytoplankton monitoring before a red tide was formed. 为了改善红潮的预先警报系统,渔农处提高监察能力,由肉眼监察红潮改为积极监察浮游植物,在红潮形成前预先加以防范。
- To improve early warning of red tide outbreaks,the department upgraded its monitoring capability from visible red tide monitoring to proactive phytoplankton monitoring before a red tide was formed. 为了改善红潮的预先警报系统,渔农处提高监察能力,由肉眼监察红潮改为积极监察浮游植物,在红潮形成前预先加以防范。
- The AFCD has also strengthened its red tide monitoring and management measures with a view to minimising the impact of red tides on mariculture. 渔农自然护理署亦加强了红潮监察及管理措施,以期尽量减少红潮对海鱼养殖的影响。
- Current status and progress on red tide monitoring technology 赤潮监测技术的现状与发展
- But Red Tide isn't the only problem. 但问题不只是赤潮。
- Red Tide is usually caused by agricultural pesticides, detergents or conditions, which increase nutrients in the water. 赤潮通常是由于农业杀虫剂、清洁剂引起的,或是因为营养增大的水域状况。
- According to analyzing the monitoring data of red tide from Dongtou Islands alongshore sea area of Wenzhou city in May 2004.Prediction model of density of Prorocentrum dentatum was put forward,which based on the COD,PO4-P,Chl-a and multianalysis method. 通过对2004年5月温州市洞头列岛附近海域赤潮发生过程相关监测数据的深入分析,利用多元回归分析方法建立了基于COD、PO4-P和Chl-a的温州市近岸海域赤潮优势种具齿原甲藻(Prorocentrum dentatum)密度线性预测模型,并以2003年该赤潮监控区相关监测数据对其进行了检验。
- But with this type of Red Tide in Ago Bay, we unfortunately still don't know the cause. 但对于AGOBAY的赤潮类型,我们还没有找到原因。
- In the culture area of Sishili Bay red tide occured constantly which appeal the attention of the culturist. 四十里湾养殖海域连续发生赤潮,养殖环境质量及变化情况引起养殖生产单位的极大关注。
- The serious red tide accident related closely with the anomaly high SST along Guangdong coastal sea area. 这次严重的赤潮事件与广东沿海异常高海表水温(SST)有密切关系。
- Serious eutrophication in local sea area can induce red tide,causing water quality deteriorattion and fish,shrimp and seashell die. 局部海域的严重富营养化可引发赤潮,导致水质恶化,使鱼、虾和贝类等大量死亡;
- The appearance of the red tide has brought threat to the halo bios' existence. 赤潮的出现使海洋生物的生存受到了威胁。
- Scientists believe the red tide that hit Hong Kong's beaches this week is not as deadly as first thought, but will continue to monitor its spread. 他们相信这些红潮并不如最初所想般致命,但将会继续监察漫延情况。
- This paper introduces the application of Ethernet and Fieldbus in the control system of drugs packaging production line.The monitoring area of this system is also discussed. 本文介绍基于工业以太网和现场总线的药品包装生成线的控制系统,并说明了该系统的监控范围。