- On rare occasions, red fire ant stings can cause severe acute allergic reaction which can be fatal. 在罕见的情况下,被红火蚁螫刺后,更可能会引起致命的严重急性过敏反应。
- The purpose of this study is to develop a red fire ant pesticide spreader for ridge application to eliminate the damage of red imported fire ant(RIFA) on the bank. 本研究目的在于控制红火蚁于田埂上的危害,因此欲以某牌跑道画线器为雏型,设计出可以有效防治红火蚁在田埂使用之饵剂撒布机。
- Red fire ants are very aggressive and readily attack anything that disturb them. 红火蚁攻击性强,容易攻击任何干扰它们的生物。
- It has been reported that mounds of red fire ants were recently found near the Hong Kong Wetland Park. 据报,香港湿地公园附近最近发现红火蚁蚁丘。
- Overseas experts to examine HK's red fire ant samples 海外专家检测红蚁样本
- The occurrence, quarantine-related study and practice of red fire ant at abroad 红火蚁的发生及有关检疫的研究与实践
- Keywords red fire ant;fire ant;biological invasion;Solenopsis invicta;control of pest; 红火蚁;火蚁;生物入侵;红火蚁防治;生态灾难;
- Symptoms of Red fire ant sting 被红火蚁螫刺的症状
- red fire ant 红火蚁
- The Menace of the Invaded Red Fire Ants and the Measurement to Dealing with 入侵红火蚁对我国生态环境的威胁及防制措施
- Xu Y J, Lu Y Y, Zeng L, Xi Y B, Huang J.Study on location expansion of red imported fire ant Solenopsis invicta Buren. 李宁东;陆永跃;曾玲;梁广文;许益镌.;广东省红火蚁生境类型、空间分布和抽样技术研究
- The red imported fire ant (RIFA), Solenopsis invicta Buren, is an important quarantine insect. 红火蚁的入侵已引起我国各界的关注,本文介绍了入侵红火蚁化学防治技术研究进展。
- Impacts of Imported Red Fire Ants on Human Health and Preventive Strategies 入侵红火蚁对人体健康危害及防治对策
- Other types of the Red Imported Fire Ant nests are monogynous and polygynous.A polygynous nest is a large colony with many queens. 入侵红火蚁的蚁巢另可分为单蚁后型和多蚁后型两种,多蚁后型顾名思义即在一巢中有多只蚁后,巢内个体数更为惊人。
- Abstract: The red imported fire ant (RIFA), Solenopsis invicta Buren, is among the most widespread and damaging of introduced species. 文章摘要: 红火蚁是广布性以及入侵危害性最强的昆虫类群之一。
- The red imported fire ant(RIFA),Solenopsis invicta Buren,is among the most widespread and damaging of introduced species. 红火蚁是广布性以及入侵危害性最强的昆虫类群之一。
- While we waited, we saw a bright red fire shooting to the sky. 在我们等候时,我们看到一团红色的明亮火光射向天空。
- Zoom! A red fire engine passes by us on its way to a fire. 咻!一辆红色的消防车经过我们要往火灾的途中.
- Where is the hand on the harpstring, and the red fire glowing? 竖琴之手现在哪里,还有跳动的殷红火花?
- Avoid contact with the fire ants. 尽量避免跟红火蚁接触.