- recurrent nova e 再发新星
- A_Casa_de_1906 Blog deste programa da TVG. Con fotos, novas e artigos. 内蒙古旅游局职责介绍、旅游资讯、重要景点介绍、电子地图、旅游企业、旅游执法和咨询投诉等。
- recurrent nova 再发新星
- I have a recurrent dream that I've turned into an elephant. 我屡次梦见自己变成了大象。
- symbiotic recurrent nova 共生再发新星
- The line AB cuts the line DC at the point E. AB线和DC线在E点相交。
- The letter "e" in "mouse" is mute. “mouse”中的字母“e”不发音。
- The lines AB and CD intersect at E. 直线AB与直线CD相交於E点。
- The line AB intersects the line CD at E. 直线AB与直线CD相交於E点。
- Captain Scott set sail in the Terra Nova. 斯科特船长从新星地启航。
- He was packed off to school in Nova Scotia. 他被打发到新斯科舍去上学了。
- This was a recurrent battle between them. 这是他俩之间经常发生的争吵。
- Catcher Block: Blame it on the bossa nova. 全怪巴萨诺瓦吧。
- He is the first hero of a recurrent national epic. 他是重现过去的民族史诗的第一位主人公。
- It was an autumn night in my native Nova Scotia. 秋夜,我的故乡新斯科舍的秋夜。
- Chen Wenlong NOVA Product Design LTD. 浩瀚设计公司总经理
- Note: Improved Frost Nova has been removed. 强化霜星被移除。
- But now he got recurrent tumor himself. 但是这位老先生他现在的肿瘤呀复发了
- Fire Nova Totem: Now no longer generates threat. 火焰新星图腾:现在不再产生仇恨。
- The line AB cuts the line CD at the point E. 直线AB与直线CD相交于E点。