- rectangular data window 矩形数据窗
- Indicates that the member is not displayed in the data window. 指示数据窗口中不显示该成员。
- The row will be selected in the External Data window. 该行将在“外部数据”窗口中显示为选中状态。
- Drag a row from the External Data window onto a shape in your drawing. 从“外部数据”窗口中将一行拖到绘图中的某一形状上。
- Ignore All Conflicts to keep the duplicate rows in the External Data window. “忽略所有冲突”以在“外部数据”窗口中保留重复的行。
- The behavior of the data window is not changed by attribute-enhanced views. 数据窗口的行为不会被属性增强视图更改。
- Right-click any column heading in the External Data window, and then click Column Settings. 右击“外部数据”窗口中的任一列标题,然后单击“列设置”。
- Right-click anywhere inside the External Data window, and then click Configure Refresh. 右击“外部数据”窗口中的任意位置,然后单击“配置刷新”。
- To display the External Data window, on the View menu, click External Data Window. 要显示“外部数据”窗口,请在“视图”菜单上,单击“外部数据窗口”。
- In the Shape Data window, click the Name field, and then type the resource name. 在“形状数据”窗口中,单击“名称”字段,然后键入资源的名称。
- In this first step, you use the Data Selector Wizard to import your data into the External Data window. 在本步骤中,您首先使用“数据选取器”向导将数据导入到“外部数据”窗口中。
- The data that appears in the External Data window is a snapshot of your source data at the time of import. 在“外部数据”窗口中显示的数据是源数据在导入时的快照。
- Drag a row or set of rows from the External Data window onto a blank space in your drawing. 将一行或多行从“外部数据”窗口拖到绘图中的空白区域上。
- If the Shape Data window is not already open, on the View menu, click Shape Data Window. 如果“形状数据”窗口尚未打开,则在“视图”菜单上单击“形状数据窗口”。
- Your data appears in the shape, and a link icon appears to the left of the row in the External Data window. 数据将显示在该形状中,而且在“外部数据”窗口中,在该行的左侧会出现一个链接图标。
- I put a rectangular box on the table. 我把一个长方形的盒子放在桌子上。
- Effect of truncation is reduced by using data window and overlapped the data between close together data segments. 采用时域加窗和重叠相加,大大减弱了截断效应的影响。
- A data window can be exported as EXCEL files source code, optimize the export list of state data speed. 一个可以将数据窗口导出为EXCEL文件的源代码,优化了导出列表状态数据的速度。
- The External Data window appears when you use the Link Data to Shapes command on the Data menu to import data into your drawing. 当您使用“数据”菜单上的“将数据链接到形状”命令将数据导入绘图时,出现“外部数据”窗口。
- After you click Finish on the last page of the Data Connection Wizard, the External Data window appears with your imported data shown in a grid. 单击“数据连接”向导最后一页上的“完成”后,将会显示“外部数据”窗口,该窗口在网格中显示导入的数据。