- Reconstruction of that building is impossible. 再重建这座建筑物是不可能的。
- As a work of art it is very poor. 作为艺术品这是十分拙劣的。
- By anybody's standards that work of art is A-1. 那件艺术品按任何人的标准都是第一流的。
- An appreciation of art will enrich your life. 艺术欣赏将会丰富你的生活
- I have a plan for the reconstruction of the city centre. 我有一个重建城市中心的计划。
- He has many friends in the world of art. 他在艺术界有很多朋友。
- She is capable of judging works of art. 她有鉴赏艺术品的能力。
- Every form of art has its limitations. 每种艺术形式都有本身的局限。
- As he grew older, his appreciation of art grew. 随著年龄的增长,他对艺术的鉴赏力也提高了。
- An outstanding work of art or craft. 一个引人注目的艺术品或工艺品
- That's reconstruction of a pioneer dwelling. 那是先人居所的复制品。
- The city contains schools of art, law, medicine and science. 城里有艺术学校、法律学校、医科以及理工科学校。
- Scale-Dependent Reconstruction of the NAO Index. 指数随尺度重建。
- The reconstruction of Afghanistan is under way. 阿富汗重建进程启动。 朝鲜半岛总体缓和的趋势得到保持。
- Of all these works of art, the thing I like most is that painting. 所有的艺术品中,我最喜欢那幅油画。
- He put his creation of art by for a year while be worked for the company. 他中断艺术创作达一年之久,到一家公司干活。
- He proposed an exhibition of works of art. 他提议举办美术展览会。
- Last night police staged a reconstruction of the incident. 昨天晚上,警方放映了再现事故经过的影片。
- Reconstruction of existing vehicular crossing and weir. 重建现有的行车交叉口及导流坝。
- I'm afraid this kind of art doesn't speak to me. 我怕这类艺术是不会引起我的兴趣的。