- His words of sincerity and affection have at last drawn the badger. 他那语重心长的话语终于使对方说出了实情。
- A possible connotation of "home" is a place of warmth, comfort and affection". “家”的可能涵义是“一个温暖、舒适和爱的地方”。
- Pattern Recognition and Intelligence System. 模式识别与智能系统。
- Now, he has won real recognition and acclaim. 现在,他赢得了真正的认可与喝彩。
- Children need lots of love and affection. 孩子需要多多疼爱和关怀。
- In deepest sorrow and affection. 我们非常难过,深切地同情你们。
- What and affection are concerned Orphean net name? 有什么与情感有关又好听的网名?
- No. But it got its recognition and development in Beijing. 是的。但它是在北京取得认可和发展的。
- Responsibility and affection which a few heavier? ? 责任与情感哪个更重一些??
- Which should reason and affection believe more? 理智和情感更应该相信哪一个?
- Once again he felt the throb of the recognition and regret. 他又因认出和遗憾而感到心跳不已。
- The orphans need more care and affection. 孤儿们需要更多的照料和关爱。
- How to face study and affection pressure? 怎样面对学习和情感压力?
- These conditions verify their recognition and emotion about ROC. 种种情况证明了他们对我国的认知和情感。
- This profe ion deserves the ecial recognition and re ect. 这个职业值得受到特别的重视和尊重。
- Its 3 megapixel camera sports face recognition and anti-shake tech. 另外还有个支持脸部侦测、防摇晃(应该是轻摇...
- The Transport layer handles error recognition and recovery. 传送层处理错误认识和补救。
- This profession deserves the special recognition and respect. 这职业值得受到特别重视和尊重。
- Reading consists two processes: word recognition and comprehension. 阅读包括两个相关过程:识字和理解。
- The police have flesh and blood and affection like us. 警察跟我们一样有人性,有感情。