- receiving signal memory 接收信号存储器
- The distorted portion of a received signal. 接受到的信号被扭曲的部分
- Receiving signal high-reliability and is free from power station regional condition confine. 信号接收可靠性高,不受电站等地域条件的限制。
- In theoretical analysis, the effect on receiving signal by radial beat of galvanometer is given qualitatively. 理论分析中定性的给出了振镜转轴的径向跳动对信号接收的影响。
- As its receiving signal detecting solution,an Optimal Zero Forcing Successive Interference Cancellation (OZF SIC) scheme is proposed. 针对这一系统架构,提出了基于迫零检测的最优排序串行干扰消除 (OZF SIC)接收信号检测算法的实现方案。
- Intensity fluctuation of any or all components of a received signal. 接收信号的部分或所有成分的强度起伏波动。
- Pertaining to a connection by which one end can only send signal and the other can only receive signal. 用于修饰两点之间的连接,这种连接的一端只能发送信号,而另一端只能接收信号
- In PLC system,it is very important to process the received signal. 电力线载波通信系统中,对接收信号的处理是非常重要的。
- Capable of transmitting or receiving signals in all directions, as an antenna. 全向的能收发所有方位的信号的,如天线
- In telegraphy,a measure of the ability of the receiving apparatus to copy with timing errors in the received signal. 在电报中,接收设备处理接收信号定时差错能力的一种度量。
- Hungary will receive signals from space. 匈牙利收到外太空信号。
- The antenna received signals with no directivity. 那种天线可接受没有方向性的信号。
- The processor's job is to retrieve instructions and operands from memory and to perform each operation. Having done that, it signals memory to send it the next instruction. (处理器的工作就是从存储器中取出指令和操作数,并执行每一操作。处理器完成这些工作后就通知存储器送来下一条指令。)
- The receiver employs an equaliser to reduce the ISI in the received signal. 该接收机采用的机会,以减少三军情报局在收到信号。
- In telegraphy, a measure of the ability of the receiving apparatus to copy with timing errors in the received signal. 在电报中,接收设备处理接收信号定时差错能力的一种度量。
- By detecting the interference through the difference of correlation peak value in different channels,the interference can be regenerated and counteracted from the receiving signal. 利用发生“远近效应”时不同通道间相关峰值的差值判断出强干扰信号,重构强干扰并将其从接收信号中抵消。
- The sensor uses infrared emitter and infrared phototransistor produced by SIEMENS to compose the infrared emission circuit and receiving circuit, and disposes receiving signal by single chip. 该传感器采用西门子公司生产的红外发射管和红外接收管,组成红外光发射电路和红外光接收电路,并用单片机处理接收到的信号。
- A cathode-ray tube in a television receiver,translates the received signal into a picture on a luminescent screen. 在电视接收机中的阴极射线管,在荧光屏上把接收信号转化为图像。
- Each neuron usually has an axon and multiple dendrites.They play different roles: axons usually for sending signals and dendrites for receiving signals. 神经细胞有轴突和树突,它们起不同的作用,树突一般接受信号,而轴突通常发送信号。
- In radiocommunications, pertaining to variations in the received signal strength due to varying ionization conditions over the propagation path. 在无线电通信技术中,接收信号的强度由于传播通路上电离条件的改变而引起的变化。