- We received information that you had arrived. 我们得到了你已抵达的消息。
- He had received information from a nameless source in the government. 他从政府中一未透露姓名者那里得到了消息。
- Interested in receiving information about what's new with Nero products, as well as great offers and special discounts? 您想得到Nero产品的最新信息、优惠活动以及特别折扣消息吗?
- Chemoreception - The neurological process of receiving information from a chemical signal. Chemoreception -神经过程中接收信息的化学信号。
- After receiving information from the clubs, the district Foundation committee decides how to use the district’s DDF. 各地区有机会运用其地区的指定基金,用于资助该地区所选择参加的基金会计划。
- A device, usually equipped with a keyboard and a display device, capable of sending and receiving information over a link. 装备键盘和显示器的一种设备,它能通过链路发送和接收信息。
- Would you like to receive information via e-mail from ANA? 是否希望订阅ANA发行的电子报或其他通知?
- Do you want to receive information about our new products? 您是否想通过电邮接收更多新产品资讯?
- Peer-to-peer applications such as Napster,OICQ that communicate as peers sharing and receiving information are becoming commonplace as a means for users connected. Napster和OICQ一样的P2P应用程序已经受到了越来越多网络用户的青睐,P2P应用程序使得用户可以利用现有的网络,以平等的方式共享彼此的资源,极大地提高了方便性。
- From palmtop computer e-mail to cell phone voice mail, controlling these ways of receiving information is becoming a serious management problem for the people who use them. 从掌上电脑的电子信函到手机的语音邮件,使用者都面临着一个严重的管理问题,即如何控制这些接收信息的渠道。
- Each wireless device generally runs a browser to display received information. 每一无线设备通常要运行一个浏览器来显示接收到的信息。
- He have receive information from a nameless source in the government. 他从政府中一未透露姓名者那里得到了消息。
- He has received information from a nameless source in the government. 他从政府中一未透露姓名者那里得到了消息。
- FBI officials had received information that Mister Hanssen might be spying. 联邦调查局早已收到关于Hanssen有可能是间谍的信息,
- This makes people almost receive information simultaneously or in time. 这使人们几乎得以同时或即刻收到讯息。
- The two parts of IPX/SPX agreement through mutual communication, sending and receiving information and for different information, accordingly, in order to achieve the purpose of network monitoring. 这两部分通过IPX/SPX 协议进行相互通讯,发送和接收信息,并对于不同的信息,进行相应的处理,以达到网络监控的目的。
- We have received information that Yon-sama is shooting his new drama, in Jeju-do Korea. 我们得知勇样证在拍摄新戏的信息,在韩国济州。
- The emergence of the "new media" transforms the way people know the world, understand the world, receive information and communicate with one another. “新媒介”的出现,改变了人们认识世界、了解世界、获取信息、相互沟通的方式。
- One can receive information about Whirlpool as well as Heat cabins with ARMSTARK HANDELS GMBH. ARMSTARK HANDELS GMBH 是一家诚信的、效能的生产商和服务商,该公司提供新型的、门的产品,例如小加热室,漩涡、烈运动、乱。
- He kicked against the treatment he was receiving. 他对受到的待遇表示不满。