- receive the sacrament to 发誓要 ...
- It is necessary to choose one parish in each deanery to provide occasions for the faithful to receive the sacrament of reconciliation, in every Saturday in fixed hours. 在每一个铎区选定一堂区,在每星期六下午固定时间内,为教友提供善领修和圣事的机会。
- She received the sacrament. 她领了圣餐。
- The Irish under Col. Clifford took the sacrament to fight it out to the last man. 克利弗上校率领的爱尔兰士兵庄严宣誓要战斗到最后一个人。
- The sacrament or rite of ordination. 神职仪式神职的任命或神职任命仪式
- I should like to add an eighth sacrament to those of the Roman Church ? the sacrament of Divorce. 我想为罗马天主教堂己有的圣礼加上一条第八条圣礼?离婚圣礼.
- No word but what is holy, none but what is good and profitable ought to come from the lips of the priest who so often receives the Sacrament of Christ. 他的心,该多麽无损无玷!司铎既然屡领圣体,他的口舌所发的,该全是圣善和有益处的言语。
- A sacrament is a religious ceremony, begun by Jesus while he was on earth, for the purpose of giving grace to the person receiving the sacrament. 圣事是耶稣在世上时所开创的宗教仪式,其目的在于向领受者施恩。
- It was fitting that he should be here to receive the prize in person. 他应该亲自来领奖才对。
- Many of them came up to receive the visitors. 他们中许多人出来迎接客人。
- Priest Vallon: PREPARE TO RECEIVE THE TRUE LORD! 准备接受真正的王!
- Handle to the window to receive the message. 接收消息的窗体的句柄。
- The name of the file to receive the output. 要接收输出的文件的名称。
- How often do I have to receive the injection? 我需要多长时间打一针?
- If the Bishop or the priest celebrant is in communion with the Pope, the faithful “should not hesitate” to receive the sacraments from him. 如果主持的主教或神父与教宗完全共融,教友就“不必犹疑”从他手中领受圣事。
- Payee The person named to receive the check. 出票人 签署支票的账户持有人。
- You receive the top copy of the receipt, and we keep the carbon. 你把这收据上面的原件收下,我们保留下面的复写件。
- The new law has received the royal assent. 新的法规已得到国王的批准。
- When did Jesus institute the sacrament of Penance? 耶稣几时立了告解圣事?
- Neither John nor I am to receive the award. 约翰和我谁都不会接到奖赏。