- recede conquered territory. 归还被占领土
- Great empires of the past -- the Romans and the Han Dynasty Chinese -- ruled their domains with permanent military encampments that garrisoned conquered territory. 历史上的伟大帝国--罗马帝国和汉帝国--通过对占领地区的长期军事驻扎来实行其统治。
- The conquered territories were portioned out among the victors. 被征服的领土在胜利者之间被均分了。
- Having understood this body to be like a jar, having established this mind like a city, attack Mara with the weapon of wisdom, you should protect the conquered territory and be without attachments. 明了此身脆弱如瓶,他培育己心至固若城堡,再以智为武器向魔王奋战。过后他继续保护己心,毫不执著于胜利。(注:不执著于胜利是指不执著于所获得的禅那,而继续修观直至证悟阿罗汉道智。)
- They were hanging onto the conquered territories like a man hanging on to the tail of a tiger. 他们抱住已征服的地区,好比一个人抱住一只老虎的尾巴。
- This tax consisted of two distinct parts, the ground tax proper, which represented the old tributum imposed on conquered territories, and the annona. 这一税种包括两个独立部分:象征向被征服土地征税的地产税以及谷物税。
- Napoleon conquered by the force of an iron will. 拿破仑攻无不克靠的是坚强的意志。
- It is a barbarous way to extend territory by arms. 以武力扩张领土是一种野蛮的方式。
- They ceded territory to a neighboring state. 他们把领土割让给邻国。
- His hair is beginning to recede from his forehead. 他的头发开始从前额往后秃了。
- The enemy overran the conquered country. 敌人蹂躏那个被征服的国家。
- Smallpox has finally been conquered. 天花终于被遏制住了。
- The war was carried into enemy territory. 战争已伸展到敌方领土。
- How much territory does he travel over? 他旅行的地方有多大?
- Rival salesmen were poaching on his territory. 这些推销员是竞争对手,却跑到他的地盘来兜生意。
- The Norman is difficult to be conquered. 诺曼第人很难被征服。
- When will scientist conquer cancer? 科学家什么时候才能征服癌症呢?
- We parachuted into enemy territory. 我们跳伞空降到敌占区。
- The Zulus conquered all the neighboring tribes. 祖鲁人征服了所有邻近的部落。
- The city was conquered overnight. 那座城市在夜里被攻克。