- rebound resiliometer 回弹性测定计
- A collision followed by a rebound. 撞击弹回撞击一下再弹开
- She quarrelled with Paul and then married Peter on the rebound. 她和保罗争吵后愤而嫁给了彼得。
- His courageous words took his depressed supporters on the rebound. 他的言词颇有胆量,鼓舞了那些本已垂头丧气的支持者。
- Light will rebound from a shiny surface. 光遇到发亮的表面会反射回来。
- His evil doings will rebound upon himself. 他干坏事将受到报应。
- If we get a second-half rebound,all the better. 如果今年下半年出现反弹,形势就会好得多。
- There was a scramble for the rebound. 球反弹回来后,双方都疯狂地抢球。
- There are signs of an economic rebound. 有经济复苏的征兆。
- Ricochet To rebound at least once from a surface. 跳飞,跳弹至少一次地从表面上弹回。
- Greenspan's testimony brings lackluster rebound. 格林斯潘的证词使股市小幅回升。
- He married a different girl on the rebound. 他失恋后立即与另一女孩结婚。
- Rebound Again, Glide Down More Quickly or Softland? 重新反弹、加速下滑还是软着陆?
- I tried to sneak in for the offensive rebound. (我想跑到篮下抢进攻篮板。)
- If we get a second-half rebound, all the better. 如果今年下半年出现反弹,形势就会好得多。
- He is still on the rebound from his wife's death. 他仍处在失去妻子的情绪波动之中。
- Yao the rebound and assist machine! 姚就是那蓝板和助攻机器!
- He can score, pass, rebound and ignite the crowd. 他能得分,传球,抢篮板,煽动观众。
- Pau Gasol: Rebound, score, pass. 枷锁:篮板,得分和传球。